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Judge Upholds PSC Ruling in Eminent Domain Case, But Stays Construction of Speculative Private Railroad Pending Appeal

  • Dan King

ATLANTA —On Tuesday, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Craig Schwall upheld a ruling by the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) granting a private railroad company the state’s eminent domain power to take land from several property owners in Sparta. However, Judge Schwall, “with the belief that this Order will like be appealed given the great impact upon [the property owners] and their homesteads” also extended a partial stay that  prevents Sandersville Railroad Company from “engaging in any construction activity on or otherwise entering onto property owned…

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Short Circuit 362 | Boil the Frog to Tear Down the House

Two cases, from the Fourth and Sixth Circuits, came out within just a few days of each other, and each was about a city tearing […]

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