New Magnolia Garden Center Inc

Contestant Details

A U-pick farm and garden center located in Back of the Yards.

About new Magnolia garden center

Back of the Yards
Letia Gadberry

Year Participated
Finalist (Second Place)

“My entrepreneurial journey began in 2006 when I purchased my first home. Typically when people are in the market to buy a house they are concerned with all the bells and whistle of the kitchen and bathroom. Not I. I was in the market to buy a house because I wanted to mow my lawn. I went from house to house completely ignoring the bathrooms and kitchens and focused my attention on how I could turn this backyard into my very own oasis. Soon after purchasing my house, mowing the lawn turned into planting rose bushes like the ones my aunt Marthy had. After the rose bushes then came the vegetable. By the time I had harvested my first tomato I was enrolled in school to study horticulture. At school is where I had my epiphany, I need more yards to plant more plants. Ever since then I’ve been working tirelessly and joyously to make New Magnolia Garden Center an avenue for myself and others to share our love of plants with the world.”

– Letia Gadberry

Letia created New Magnolia Garden Center to connect people back to nature.

Her team runs a U-pick farm and garden center that is located on the South Side of Chicago. At the farm, customers are allowed to tour the heirloom gardens and select the vegetables they desire to take home.

New Magnolia also provides landscaping services for homeowners that are interested in themed gardens. Some of the themed gardens that they offer are herb gardens, medicinal gardens, vegetable gardens, meditation gardens, and native gardens.

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