TnS Studios Inc
Contestant Details

Black Women-led Architecture & Design
About tns studios inc.
Year Participated
Watch their Semifinalist Pitch Here!

TnS Studio is a Black Woman-Led design firm that specializes in adaptive reuse renovations and is currently a team of one. “We” serve the South Side of Chicago and save abandoned buildings. TnS Studio also offers programming & planning, interior design and architectural design services as well. Founded in 2018, after seeing the need for intentional design in Black communities, TnS Studio has supported small business owners, developers, and not-for-profit organizations with renovations and new contruction projects that will make a positive impact in that community (and continues to do so).
Over four years, TnS Studio has saved 1 building from demolition, is currently restoring 2 Chicago Landmarks, has mentored 10 current college students (providing resume/portfolio review and interview-prep), and awarded $4,000 in scholarships for 2021 high school graduates set to attend HBCUs . This is the beginning for us - we’re only getting started. We've all without a home-base, and winning South Side Pitch will get us closer to housing our operation and creating assets in the community.
TnS Studio strives to increase equity in the built environment in Black communities while also raising awareness of Architecture as a profession for Black youth on the South Side of Chicago. Black Architects presently represent 2% of the profession, but we seek to increase that percentage with mentorship, scholarship, internship, and shadowing programs that are based on promoting the history of Black architects and architecture in Chicago, experience exchanges with Black and minority architects, and create a pipeline from NAAB accredited programs to elite design firms.
past winners

2nd Place (2021)
Piggyback Network
An online youth transportation marketplace for parents and guardians on shared routes

3rd Place (2021)
D. Jones Construction
100% minority-owned, women-owned certified general construction company