Vision Inspired Coaching
Contestant Details

Parent Coaching & Support
About Vision inspired Coaching
Year Participated
Watch their Semifinalist Pitch Here!

Any human suffering break my heart. I am a natural giver with a heart to serve and help others. While volunteering for the past 25 years as a medical advocate for Rape Victim Advocates (RVA), a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), Chair of the Domestic Violence Ministry at a church in my neighborhood and Parent Advisory Council at Simeon Career Academy, I saw and heard things that were disturbing and unimaginable. Some of the stories and situations parents and children dealt with were horrific. I sat with rape and domestic survivors, young and old, and held their hands through the hardest time of their lives. I also supported children who have been separated from their families and faced a new journey through the foster care system.
Broken homes, broken communities. The sad fact is the correlation between broken homes, violence and crime is no coincidence. Across the globe, study after study, the direct correlation between the two, for me, is one of great realization. Something needs to change. The mothers/fathers did not need to be told what to do. They required the tools to learn and understand why and how change would benefit them and the children. So, I've became the voice they never knew they had. I've read, listened, researched, and obtained the training needed to provide single parents with tools to successfully start a new parenting journey….so the family can begin to heal, connect, and thrive as a family unit.
So what is so unique about Vision Inspired Coaching?
Vision Inspired Coaching addresses this issue at its source…parenting. While we can’t stop parents from separating, we can give young mothers/fathers the tools needed to create a strong loving and safe environment for their children. Vision Inspired Coaching provides affordable individual and group parent coaching sessions. We harness the power of community to instill core values into the family unit. We work closely with the parents to change attitudes, build skills, strength, and provide emotional support. A child’s path is not set in stone: we, the parents, can turn Chicago around, but we must start today.
past winners

2nd Place (2021)
Piggyback Network
An online youth transportation marketplace for parents and guardians on shared routes

3rd Place (2021)
D. Jones Construction
100% minority-owned, women-owned certified general construction company