Are you struggling to find salon workers? 

Getting into the beauty industry isn’t easy, largely because the government licensing process is burdensome. And ultimately, government licenses don’t matter much to customers. 

nationwide survey found that when it comes to selecting a service from an independent professional, government issued licenses rank last on importance to their choice of professional. Instead, the professional’s reputation, recommendations from friends, and word of mouth reviews lead the way. 

Tell us a little about your struggles and share your contact information so that together we can make it easier to start working in the beauty industry. 

Salon Owner/Manager struggling to find employees

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Beauty school is a requirement to do most jobs in a salon. But school is expensive and many aspiring beauty workers struggle to complete their education and have to take on big loans in the process.

The average cost of the education needed to get a cosmetology license is $16,000 and takes about a year to complete. And since few students can afford to pay the full amount of tuition up front, most take out federal student loans.

On average, cosmetology students take out $7,100 in student loans, $600 more than the average student loan burden. 

Taking on student loan debt is a bet that future earnings will be able to cover the payments. But the jobs graduating cosmetologists go into at first often don’t pay enough to cover the payments. Cosmetologist wages average $26,000 a year. The result is that cosmetology is one of the five programs with the highest default rates for student loans

It doesn’t have to be this way. Join us to work together to ease the path into the beauty industry. 

The Institute for Justice is a nonprofit law firm that helps remove barriers to work. For 30 years we have worked to end widespread abuses of power and secure people’s right to make a living.