IJ is the national civil liberties law firm that represents everyday people-free of charge-when the government violates their most important constitutional rights.

Our team of 140 attorneys and professional staff challenge government abuse in court and win victories that empower our clients-and millions like them-to pursue their dreams. By setting groundbreaking legal precedent, we are changing the law and making the nation a more free and just place for everyone.

Since 1991, IJ has come to the aid of ordinary people who want to do the simple things every American has the right to do but can’t because they find the government in their way. We’ve made once-obscure issues like civil forfeiture, eminent domain abuse, and qualified immunity the focal points of sweeping public outrage, and we have changed hearts, minds, and laws as a result. With cutting-edge legal strategies, award-winning media, and on-the-ground activism, we win over 70% of our cases.

No IJ client pays a penny for our help-no matter how long it takes us to win their case. That’s because of the generous support of thousands of Americans who share our passion for justice.

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  • Occasional breaking updates on our cases and the broader fight against government abuse
  • Our biweekly digital magazine, Liberty & Law
  • Ways you can help us defend the constitutional rights of all Americans!