Now comes the most important part: mobilization. Now that you’ve raised public awareness and cultivated a strong list of supporters, it’s time to mobilize them with targeted calls to action at key times. Make it as easy as possible for people to express their support for you. Supply supporters with phone numbers and e-mail addresses and a way to figure out who their political representatives are. You can only ask people to do something a few times—so make it count.
You will need to balance the quantity and quality of correspondence (e.g.., write-your-own message or phone call to elected officials vs. form letter). Some offices disregard form letters, while others simply keep a running tally of who is for and who is against a policy. If possible, talk to a friendly policy maker to find out what will have the most impact. Of course, a phone call is optimal, but it’s harder to get people to pick up a phone than it is to send a quick e-mail.
It is most important for you to get your supporters to the key public hearing. Hold a rally or event to gather everyone in one place before entering city hall or the state legislature. Wear the same color or, if allowed, t-shirts or stickers that demonstrate solidarity. Remember to issue a media advisory about your demonstration and the vote, and be prepared with your SOCOs.