
License to Work

This page provides updates and corrections to occupational licensing data presented in the second edition of License to Work, published in November 2017, including revised tables affected by the updates. This includes individual state and occupation tables, as well as Tables 1 through 6 that rank states and occupations. This page will continue to be updated as we become aware of necessary changes. Updated tables are cumulative, meaning they reflect all updates made to date. Meanwhile, the original findings remain unchanged on the report’s website.

Updated versions of the complete dataset of all 102 occupations and the comparison dataset of occupations consistently recorded across the 2012 and 2017 editions of the report are available for download under the “License to Work 2 Data” section on the report’s data page.

Update Details

Date UpdatedState(s)Occupation(s)Update DescriptionImpact on Data
February 22, 2018RICoach, Head (High School Sports)The athletic coach permit was repealed by 2015 RI H5900, and as of January 1, 2017, is no longer required.There is no license.
February 22, 2018UTAll Contractor Occupations and Mobile Home InstallerH.B. 313 changed the licensing requirements for various contractor occupations and mobile home installers, effective May 9, 2017.Fees decreased to between $210 and $445.
Two years of experience eliminated.
Education increased to 25 clock hours.
Exams eliminated.
February 22, 2018AL, AZ, CT, IN, IA, KY, ME, NV, NH, NM, NC, ND, SD and WIInterpreter, Sign LanguageData were updated to reflect the Registry Interpreters for the Deaf’s certification requirements for those who are not deaf or hard of hearing, which constitutes the majority of sign language interpreters.Fees increased $240 (except in Maine, where fees increased $220, and Alabama, where fees increased $145).
Education decreased 40 clock hours (except Alabama, which saw no change).
February 22, 2018IL, RI and WVInterpreter, Sign Language
Data were updated to reflect an easier route to licensure.
Fees decreased $345 in Illinois, $110 in Rhode Island and $445 in West Virginia.
Four years and 40 clock hours of education eliminated.
A minimum age of 18 years is required in Rhode Island.
February 22, 2018WVHVAC Contractor (Commercial & Residential) and Sheet Metal Contractor, HVAC (Commercial & Residential)H.B. 4392 requires a technician’s license in addition to a contractor’s license, effective January 1, 2016.Fees increased $42.
Experience increased 8,000 clock hours.
One more exam is required.
A minimum age of 18 years is required.
February 22, 2018WVUpholstererSB 419 increased fees as of July 6, 2017.Fees increased $80.

Table 1. Breath of Licensure

Occupation States Licensed
Animal Breeder 28
Animal Control Officer 7
Animal Trainer 9
Athletic Trainer 49
Auctioneer 30
Barber 51
Bartender 13
Bill Collection Agency 31
Bus Driver, City/Transit 51
Carpenter/Cabinet Maker Contractor (Commercial) 25
Carpenter/Cabinet Maker Contractor (Residential) 30
Cement Finishing Contractor (Commercial) 24
Cement Finishing Contractor (Residential) 30
Child Care Home, Family 44
Coach, Head (High School Sports) 47
Conveyor Operator 1
Cosmetologist 51
Crane Operator 18
Dental Assistant 9
Dietetic Technician 2
Door Repair Contractor (Commercial) 24
Door Repair Contractor (Residential) 29
Drywall Installation Contractor (Commercial) 25
Drywall Installation Contractor (Residential) 30
Earth Driller, Water Well 51
Electrical Helper 2
Emergency Medical Technician 51
Farm Labor Contractor 10
Fire Alarm Installer 39
Fisher, Commercial 43
Floor Sander Contractor (Commercial) 22
Floor Sander Contractor (Residential) 27
Florist 1
Forest Worker 1
Funeral Attendant 3
Gaming Cage Worker 29
Gaming Dealer 28
Gaming Supervisor 30
Glazier Contractor (Commercial) 26
Glazier Contractor (Residential) 30
Home Entertainment Installer 1
HVAC Contractor (Commercial) 37
HVAC Contractor (Residential) 35
Insulation Contractor (Commercial) 25
Insulation Contractor (Residential) 30
Interior Designer 4
Interpreter, Sign Language 22
Iron/Steel Contractor (Commercial) 26
Iron/Steel Contractor (Residential) 30
Landscape Contractor (Commercial) 47
Landscape Contractor (Residential) 48
Locksmith 14
Log Scaler 2
Makeup Artist 41
Manicurist 50
Mason Contractor (Commercial) 26
Mason Contractor (Residential) 31
Massage Therapist 44
Midwife, Direct Entry 28
Milk Sampler 42
Mobile Home Installer 39
Nursery Worker 2
Optician 22
Packer 6
Painting Contractor (Commercial) 22
Painting Contractor (Residential) 28
Paving Contractor (Commercial) 24
Paving Contractor (Residential) 28
Pest Control Applicator 51
Pharmacy Technician 44
Pipelayer Contractor 27
Preschool Teacher, Public School 50
Psychiatric Aide 1
Psychiatric Technician 5
School Bus Driver 51
Security Alarm Installer 37
Security Guard, Unarmed 34
Shampooer 37
Sheet Metal Contractor, HVAC (Commercial) 37
Sheet Metal Contractor, HVAC (Residential) 36
Sheet Metal Contractor, Other (Commercial) 26
Sheet Metal Contractor, Other (Residential) 31
Skin Care Specialist 50
Slot Supervisor 28
Social and Human Service Assistant 1
Still Machine Setter, Dairy Equipment 3
Taxi Driver/Chauffeur 16
Taxidermist 28
Teacher Assistant, Non-Instructional 5
Terrazzo Contractor (Commercial) 23
Terrazzo Contractor (Residential) 28
Title Examiner 7
Travel Agency 7
Travel Guide 37
Tree Trimmer 7
Truck Driver, Other 51
Truck Driver, Tractor-Trailer 51
Upholsterer 10
Vegetation Pesticide Applicator 51
Veterinary Technician 36
Weigher 25
Wildlife Control Operator 23

Table 2. Number and Percentage of Lower-Income Occupations Licensed by State

State Number of 102 Lower-Incomce Occupations Licensed Percentage of 102 Lower-Income Occupations Licensed
Louisiana 77 75.5%
Washington 77 75.5%
California 76 74.5%
Nevada 75 73.5%
Arkansas 72 70.6%
Iowa 71 69.6%
Rhode Island 71 69.6%
Tennessee 71 69.6%
West Virginia 70 68.6%
Oregon 69 67.6%
Arizona 68 66.7%
Virginia 68 66.7%
Idaho 67 65.7%
North Carolina 67 65.7%
Mississippi 66 64.7%
New Mexico 66 64.7%
North Dakota 65 63.7%
Connecticut 64 62.7%
Utah 64 62.7%
Alabama 63 61.8%
Alaska 63 61.8%
Hawaii 63 61.8%
Nebraska 63 61.8%
D C 60 58.8%
South Carolina 60 58.8%
Maryland 59 57.8%
Florida 56 54.9%
New Jersey 54 52.9%
Pennsylvania 51 50.0%
Massachusetts 50 49.0%
Michigan 49 48.0%
Maine 45 44.1%
Delaware 44 43.1%
Wisconsin 42 41.2%
Georgia 41 40.2%
New York 41 40.2%
Oklahoma 41 40.2%
Illinois 40 39.2%
Ohio 40 39.2%
New Hampshire 38 37.3%
Indiana 37 36.3%
Kentucky 37 36.3%
Missouri 37 36.3%
Texas 37 36.3%
Kansas 35 34.3%
Colorado 34 33.3%
Minnesota 34 33.3%
Montana 32 31.4%
South Dakota 32 31.4%
Vermont 31 30.4%
Wyoming 26 25.5%