New Jersey Occupational Licensing
of 102 lower-income occupations
Burden Rank
for average burdens 1st is worst
Combined Rank
for number of licenses x average burdens 1st is worst
How New Jersey Compares in 2022
Percent Licensed of 102 Occupations
75%Average Days Lost to education and experience
Average Fees
Changes Since 2017
- No licenses created or removed
- Fees changed most often and usually increased; days lost to education and experience decreased for direct entry midwife and also fell slightly for emergency medical technician but rose for animal control officer and head coach for high school sports
- Burden rank worsened 2 spots because other states improved more; combined rank stayed the same
2022 Licensing Burdens in Detail
Data Notes: 2022 data collected between February 3, 2020, and March 18, 2022. Fees include charges for application review and license issuance; exams; background checks, credit reports and fingerprinting; recovery fund contributions; third-party certification; and certain fees for training courses. Calendar days lost were estimated based on required education and experience; except for amounts smaller than one day, days lost are rounded to whole days and thus may not reflect very small changes between 2017 and 2022. Appendix A details methods for estimating days lost and calculating burden ranks. Complete data, including revised 2017 data, are available at