Appendix C: Recent Research on Occupational Licensing

Albert, K. W., Galperin, R. V., & Kacperczyk, A. (2019). Occupational licensure and entrepreneurs: The case of tax preparers in the United States. ILR Review, 72(5), 1065–1093.

Allensworth, R. H. (2017). Foxes at the henhouse: Occupational licensing boards up close. California Law Review, 105(6), 1567–1610.

Ampaabeng, K., Norris, C., & Timmons, E. J. (2020). A snapshot of occupational licensing regulation in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic States (Policy Brief). Arlington, VA: Mercatus Center, George Mason University.

Anderson, D. M., Brown, R., Charles, K. K., & Rees, D. I. (2020). Occupational licensing and maternal health: Evidence from early midwifery laws. Journal of Political Economy, 128(11), 4337–4383.

Bacon, K., & Tani, M. (2020). Occupational licensing and skills mismatches (Working Paper 2020.020). Logan, UT: Center for Growth and Opportunity, Utah State University.

Bae, K., & Timmons, E. J. (2021). On borrowed time: How occupational licensing affects student loan debt (Policy Brief). Arlington, VA: Mercatus Center, George Mason University.

Bailey, T., & Belfield, C. R. (2018). The impact of occupational licensing on labor market outcomes of college-educated workers (CCRC Working Paper No. 104). New York, NY: Community College Research Center, Teachers College, Columbia University.

Barrios, J. M. (2022). Occupational licensing and accountant quality: Evidence from the 150-hour rule. Journal of Accounting Research, 60(1), 3–43.

Bayne, E., Norris, C., & Timmons, E. (2020). A primer on emergency occupational licensing reforms for combating COVID-19 (Policy Brief Special Edition). Arlington, VA: Mercatus Center, George Mason University.

Berk, J. B., & Van Binsbergen, J. H. (2022). Regulation of charlatans in high-skill professions. Journal of Finance, 77(2), 1219–1258.

Bhai, M., & Mitchell, D. T. (2022). The effects of occupational licensing reform for nurse practitioners on children’s health. Southern Economic Journal.

Blair, P., & Chung, B. (2017). Occupational licensing reduces racial and gender wage gaps: Evidence from the survey of income and program participation (HCEO Working Paper 2017-050). Chicago, IL: Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group, University of Chicago.

Blair, P. Q., & Chung, B. W. (2018). Job market signaling through occupational licensing. (Working Paper 24791). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

Blair, P. Q., & Chung, B. W. (2019). How much of barrier to entry is occupational licensing? British Journal of Industrial Relations, 57(4), 919–943.

Blair, P. Q., & Chung, B. W. (2020). A Model of occupational licensing and statistical discrimination (Working Paper 28227). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

Boesch, T., Kokodoko, M., & Nunn, R. (2022, Aug. 30). Occupational licensing requirements can limit employment options for immigrants. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.

Boesch, T., Lim, K., & Nunn, R. (2022, Mar. 11). How occupational licensing limits access to jobs among workers of color. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. 

Bowblis, J. R., & Smith, A. C. (2019). Occupational licensing of social services and nursing home quality: A regression discontinuity approach. ILR Review, 74(1), 199–223. 

Cai, J., & Kleiner, M. M. (2020). The labor market consequences of regulating similar occupations: The licensing of occupational and physical therapists. Journal of Labor Research, 41(4), 352–381.

Carpenter, D. M. (2017). Bottleneckers: The origins of occupational licensing and what can be done about its excesses. Federalist Society Review, 18, 14–20.

Carpenter, D. M. (2018). You’ll need a license for that job. Summer 2018 Insider. Washington, DC: Heritage Foundation.

Carpenter, D. M., Knepper, L., Sweetland, K., & McDonald, J. (2018). The continuing burden of occupational licensing in the United States. Economic Affairs, 38(3), 380–405.

Carpenter, D., Sweetland, K., Vargo, E., & Bayne, E. (2021). Introducing a new data set on municipal-level occupational regulation. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 10(2), 143–155.

Cascino, S., Tamayo, A., & Vetter, F. (2020). Labor market effects of spatial licensing requirements: Evidence from CPA Mobility. Journal of Accounting Research, 59(1), 111–161. 

Cassidy, H., & Dacass, T. (2021). Occupational licensing and immigrants. Journal of Law and Economics, 64(1), 1–28. 

Cebula, R. J., Connaughton, J., & Swartz, C. (2018). An empirical analysis of the impact of the three labor market freedom indices and occupational licensing on interstate living-cost differentials. Journal of Private Enterprise, 33(3), 49–62. 

Chung, B. W. (n.d.). Occupational licensing and labor market impacts in Illinois and the Midwest: Is there a rigidity effect? Champaign, IL: Project for Middle Class Renewal, School of Labor and Employment Relations, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Chung, B. W. (2020). The employment effect of occupational licensing by race and gender: Accounting for job characteristics. SSRN. 

Chung, B. W. (2020). Trade-offs of occupational licensing: Understanding the costs and potential benefits. SSRN. 

Chung, B. W. (2022). The costs and potential benefits of occupational licensing: A case of real estate license reform. Labour Economics, 76. 

Chung, B. W., & Zou, J. (2021). Teacher licensing, teacher supply, and student achievement: Nationwide implementation of edTPA (HCEO Working Paper 2021-039). Chicago, IL: Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group, University of Chicago.

Common Sense Institute Arizona. (2022). Economic implications of universal license recognition: A review of 2019’s HB 2569. Phoenix, AZ.

Cooper, J. C., Dorsey, E., & Wright, J. D. (2017). State licensing boards, antitrust, and innovation. Washington, DC: Regulatory Transparency Project, Federalist Society.

Corley, T., & Witcher, M. M. (2021). Barber licensing in Arkansas: Public health or private gain? Cato Journal, 41(1), 115–138.

Dayaratna, K., Larkin, P. L., & O’Shea, J. (2019). Reforming American medical licensure. Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 42(1), 253–278.

Deyo, D. (2017). Law and labor markets: Three essays on individual decision making [Doctoral dissertation, George Mason University]. ProQuest Dissertations.

Deyo, D. (2022). Survey of universal licensing reforms in the United States (Policy Brief). Morgantown, WV: Knee Center for the Study of Occupational Regulation, West Virginia University.

Deyo, D. (2022). Testing licensing and consumer satisfaction for beauty services in the United States. In M. Kleiner & M. Koumenta (Eds.), Grease or grit? International case studies of occupational licensing and its effects on efficiency and quality (pp. 123–142). Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.

Deyo, D., Hoarty, B., Norris, C., & Timmons, E. (2021). Licensing massage therapists in the name of crime: The case of Harper v Lindsay. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 10(1), 1–14. 

Deyo, D., & Plemmons, A. (2022). Have license, will travel: Measuring the effects of universal licensing recognition on mobility. Economics Letters, 219.

Deyo, D., Timmons, E. J., & Kleiner, M. M. (2018). A response to “New Closed Shop: The Economic and Structural Effects of Occupational Licensure” (Policy Brief). Arlington, VA: Mercatus Center, George Mason University.

Dieterle, C. J., Weissmann, S., & Watson, G. (2018). How states use occupational licensing to punish student loan defaults (R Street Policy Study No. 148). Washington, DC: R Street Institute.

Farronato, C., Fradkin, A., Larsen, B., & Brynjolfsson, E. (2020). Consumer protection in an online world: An analysis of occupational licensing (Working Paper 26601). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

Flanders, W., & Roth, C. (2017). Land of the free? 50 state study on how professional licensing laws lead to fewer jobs.Milwaukee, WI: Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty.

Flatten, M. (2019). Dereliction of duty: Military spouses struggle to earn a living despite ‘feel-good’ licensing laws. Phoenix, AZ: Goldwater Institute.

Francesc, O., & Hsin, A. (2018). Occupational barriers and the labor market penalty from lack of legal status (IZA Discussion Paper No. 11680). Bonn, Germany: IZA Institute of Labor Economics.

Ghani, A. A. (2019). The impact of the nurse licensing compact on inter-state job mobility in the United States. In D. Sutherland (Ed.), OECD economic survey of the United States: Key research findings (pp. 103–119). Paris, France: OECD Publishing.

Ginn, V., & Timmons, E. (2018). Occupational licensing: Keeping people poor. Austin, TX: Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Gittleman, M., Klee, M. A., & Kleiner, M. M. (2018). Analyzing the labor market outcomes of occupational licensing. Industrial Relations, 57(1), 57–100.

Greenberg, D. (2021). Regulating glamour: A quantitative analysis of the health and safety training of appearance professionals. UIC J. Marshall Law Review, 54(1), 123–246.

Hall, L. K., & Horwitz, S. (2021). Midwifery licensing: Medicalization of birth and special interests (Working Paper). Arlington, VA: Mercatus Center, George Mason University.

Han, S., & Kleiner, M. M. (2021). Analyzing the influence of occupational licensing duration and grandfathering on wage determination. Industrial Relations, 60(2), 147–187. 

Hentze, I. (2018). Improving occupational licensing with sunrise and sunset reviews. LegisBrief, 26(25).

Hermansen, M. (2019). Occupational licensing and job mobility in the United States (OECD Economics Department Working Paper No. 1585). Paris, France: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Ingram, S. J. (2019). Occupational licensing and the earnings premium in the United States: Updated evidence from the Current Population Survey. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 57(4), 732–763.

Ingram, S. J., & Yelowitz, A. (2021). Real estate agent dynamism and licensing entry barriers. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 10(2), 156–174. 

Johnson, J. E., & Kleiner, M. M. (2020). Is occupational licensing a barrier to interstate migration? American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 12(3), 347–373. 

Kilmer, M. (2018). A look at occupational licensing reform across the United States. Conway, AR: Arkansas Center for Research in Economics, University of Central Arkansas.

Kim, J. (2020). Occupational credentials and job qualities of direct care workers: Implications for labor shortages. Journal of Labor Research, 41(4), 403–420. 

Kleiner, M. M. (2017). The influence of occupational licensing and regulation. IZA World of Labor.

Kleiner, M., & Koumenta, M. (Eds.). (2022). Grease or grit? International case studies of occupational licensing and its effects on efficiency and quality. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.

Kleiner, M. M., & Soltas, E. J. (2019). A welfare analysis of occupational licensing in U.S. states (Working Paper 26383). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

Kleiner, M. M., & Timmons, E. J. (2020). Occupational licensing: Improving access to regulatory information. Journal of Labor Research, 41(4), 333–337. 

Kleiner, M. M., & Vorotnikov, E. S. (2018). At what cost? State and national estimates of the economic costs of occupational licensing. Arlington, VA: Institute for Justice.

Kleiner, M. M., & Xu, M. (2020). Occupational licensing and labor market fluidity (Working Paper 27568).Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

Koumenta, M., Pagliero, M., & Rostam-Afschar, D. (2020). Occupational licensing and the gender wage gap (GLO Discussion Paper No. 689). Essen, Germany: Global Labor Organization.

Larsen, B., Ziao, J., Kapor, A., & Yu, C. (2020). The effect of occupational licensing stringency on the teacher quality distribution (Working Paper 28158). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

Law, M. T., & Marks, M. S. (2017). The labor-market effects of occupational licensing laws in nursing. Industrial Relations, 56(4), 640–661. 

Liang, X. (2022). Do immigrants gain from occupational licensing? A cross-cohort analysis. SSRN. 

Love, M. C. (2022). The many roads from reentry to reintegration: A national survey of laws restoring rights and opportunities after arrest or conviction. Collateral Consequences Resource Center.

Love, M. C., & Schlussel, D. (2020). The reintegration report card: Grading the states on laws restoring rights and opportunities after arrest of conviction. Collateral Consequences Resource Center. 

Markowitz, S., Adams, E. K., Lewitt, M. J., & Dunlop, A. L. (2017). Competitive effects of scope of practice restrictions: Public health or public harm? Journal of Health Economics, 55, 201–218. 

McMichael, B. J. (2017). The demand for healthcare regulation: The effect of political spending on occupational licensing laws. Southern Economic Journal, 84(1), 297–316.

McMichael, B. J. (2018). Beyond physicians: The effect of licensing and liability laws on the supply of nurse practitioners and physician assistants. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 15(4), 732–771. 

Meehan, B., & Stephenson, E. F. (2020). Reducing a barrier to entry: The 120/150 CPA licensing rule. Journal of Labor Research, 41(4), 382–402. 

Meehan, B., Timmons, E., & Meehan, A. (2017). Barriers to mobility: Understanding the relationship between growth in occupational licensing and economic mobility (Policy and Analysis). Washington, DC: Archbridge Institute.

Meehan, B. J., Timmons, E., Meehan, A., & Kukaev, I. (2019). The effects of growth in occupational licensing on intergenerational mobility. Economics Bulletin, 39(2), 1516–1528. 

Menjou, M., Bednarczuk, M., & Hunter, A. (2021). Beauty school debt and drop-outs: How state cosmetology licensing fails aspiring beauty workers. Arlington, VA: Institute for Justice. 

Mitchell, M. D., & Palagashvili, L. (2022). Economic freedom in the period of invisible punishment: Occupational and business licensing barriers that restrict access to work for those with criminal records (Policy Brief). Arlington, VA: Mercatus Center, George Mason University. 

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Norris, C., Smith, J. T., & Timmons, E. J. (2020). How to reform occupational licensing (Policy Paper 2020.011). Logan, UT: Center for Growth and Opportunity, Utah State University.

Nunn, R. (2018). How occupational licensing matters for wages and careers. Washington, DC: Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution.

Plemmons, A. (2022). Occupational licensing’s effects on firm location and employment in the United States. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 1–26. 

Plemmons, A. M. (2021). Does occupational licensing costs disproportionately affect the self-employed? Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 10(2), 175–188. 

Redbird, B. (2017). The new closed shop? The economic and structural effects of occupational licensure. American Sociological Review, 82(3), 600–624. 

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Rege, G., Riley, T., Mitchel-Slentz, B., Yibass, S., & Curnow, C. (2019). NCSL Occupational Licensing Consortium case study reports. Washington, DC: American Institutes for Research.

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