Both tax credit and voucher programs are school choice options for Wisconsin. Its constitution contains a Compelled Support Clause and a Blaine Amendment, but the Wisconsin Supreme Court interprets both in accordance with federal Establishment Clause jurisprudence. Even before Zelman, the Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld the groundbreaking Milwaukee Parental Choice Program from a legal challenge under the First Amendment and Wisconsin’s Compelled Support Clause and Blaine Amendment. The Wisconsin Supreme Court also rejected the first-ever uniformity challenge to a school choice program, holding that although the Legislature is required to provide public schooling to all, it can also offer additional educational opportunities outside the traditional public school system.

Model Legislation: Education Savings Account, Parental Choice Scholarship Program (Universal Eligibility), Parental Choice Scholarship Program (Means-Tested Eligibility), Special Needs Scholarship Program, Foster Child Scholarship Program, Autism Scholarship, Great Schools Tax Credit Program, Family Education Tax Credit Program