IJ Returns to the U.S. Supreme Court to Remove the Biggest Legal Barrier to Educational Choice
featuring IJ President and General Counsel Scott Bullock, Managing Vice President and Senior Attorney Bert Gall, and Senior Attorney Tim Keller
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
4:00-4:30 p.m. ET
Call in: (703) 214-8435
IJ is heading back to the U.S. Supreme Court this winter to strike at the heart of the biggest remaining legal obstacle impeding educational choice: state Blaine Amendments. Our case, Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, is a vindication of nearly 30 years of litigation by IJ to secure educational choice—and of our long-term strategy for bringing about monumental legal change.
Join Scott Bullock, Bert Gall, and Tim Keller to discuss how IJ has carefully laid the legal foundation for ultimate victory at the nation’s highest court. This landmark case has the potential not only to restore educational freedom in Montana, but also to unleash educational opportunities in more than a dozen states where Blaine provisions prevent choice programs altogether.
Listeners are invited to submit questions in advance or to ask them live during the call.