You’re invited to attend an exclusive Partners Club LIVE event:
Licensed to Work:
How Occupational Licensing Shuts Down Honest Enterprise—and How to Stop It
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
4:00 – 4:30 pm ET
Call in: (703) 570-4393
Today, more Americans than ever must get a government permission slip before they can earn an honest living, thanks to the spread of occupational licensing laws. These laws now guard entry into hundreds of occupations, including many jobs that could offer upward mobility to those of modest means, such as cosmetologist, athletic trainer, and landscape contractor.
Partners Club members are invited to join IJ’s Director of Strategic Research Lisa Knepper and IJ’s Vice President for External Relations Melanie Hildreth to discuss the second edition of IJ’s pathbreaking License to Work report, and the critical role that IJ plays in preventing and upending irrational and burdensome state licensing laws. As always, Partners will have a chance to ask questions live during the call.
Questions? Please contact Megan Cook, Partners Club Coordinator
Office: (703) 682-9320, ext. 230
E-mail: [email protected]