August 15, 2019

Bonnie Ybarra has three elementary school-aged girls living at home. The two oldest struggled academically at their prior public schools, receiving dismal grades, and the younger of those two was bullied and physically assaulted by other students. Thankfully, Ybarra was able to obtain Program scholarships for both girls to attend a private school where both girls have been able to turn their academic careers around. Ybarra’s youngest daughter was set to join her two sisters at the private school this year, as a kindergartner.

Sadly, in July, Ybarra learned that her daughters’ partial scholarships would not be renewed because of A.B. 458. As a result, Ybarra cannot afford the tuition for all three girls to attend the private school. Thankfully, the school has given the Ybarra family a one-year reprieve and slashed tuition rates for the girls. But, absent an infusion of scholarship funds into the program, Ybarra’s girls face a return to the public-school system that previously failed to meet their educational needs.

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