August 20, 2020

Janet Nunn is the legal guardian for her granddaughter, Nariah, and has legal authority to make educational decisions for her. Nariah, born two months premature, spent a month in the hospital before coming home with Janet. At the end of the first grade, with Nariah behind in school, Janet believed that Nariah should repeat the first grade to prevent falling behind more. The school rejected this option, leading Janet to apply for a scholarship from the OSP and to enroll Nariah at Victory Christian School in Charlotte. There, Nariah repeated the first grade and mastered the fundamentals of reading.  

After Nariah became such a good student at Victory Christian, Janet decided it was time to find a school for her granddaughter with a rigorous, classical approach to education. Nariah is now thriving at Brookstone Schools in Charlotte, and would not be able to continue attending without the OSP. It would be a huge negative blow to Nariah’s education if her OSP educational choice was lost. 

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