Model Legislation

Criminal Forfeiture Process Act

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property

Criminal Forfeiture Process Act

Civil forfeiture is a serious assault by government on cars, cash and other property. To lose your property in most states, prosecutors do not have to charge you, let alone convict you of a crime.

Housing Opportunities Made Easier (HOME) Act

Economic Liberty | Private Property | Zoning Justice Project

Housing Opportunities Made Easier (HOME) Act

The housing shortage is problem that can be significantly solved with one change. Scholars, state legislators and municipal officials from different backgrounds agree that a crucial component to increasing supply is to reform zoning laws.

Anti-Circumvention Forfeiture Act

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property

Anti-Circumvention Forfeiture Act

Under civil forfeiture, the state can permanently confiscate your cash, car, and other property, without a prosecutor convicting, or even charging you with a crime. Although some states have acted to protect innocent property owners,…

Fair Funding for Courts Act

Fines and Fees | Private Property

Fair Funding for Courts Act

The justice system is a core government function that benefits all Americans. State legislators should fund courts from general revenue, not from individuals involved in the system. Fees charged to users of the judicial system…

Seizure and Forfeiture Reporting Act

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property

Seizure and Forfeiture Reporting Act

Civil forfeiture—where the government can take and keep your property without ever charging you with a crime, let alone convicting you of one—is one of the greatest threats to property rights in the nation. Such…

Fines and Fees

Fines and Fees Reporting Act

Most municipalities allow law or code enforcement officers to cite residents for violations that may result in fines. Unfortunately, some use this power to generate revenue rather than solely to protect public safety and property.

Vegetable Garden Protection Act

Food Freedom | Private Property

Vegetable Garden Protection Act

People have used their property to grow food since the dawn of modern civilization. Americans are no different. Our national identity is rooted in the Jeffersonian ideal of farmers and settlers. Even as fewer people…

Home-Based Business and Occupation Act

Economic Liberty | Private Property | Zoning Justice Project

Home-Based Business and Occupation Act

The pre-COVID custom of Americans living in one place but working from another is historically unusual. As one scholar noted, “the phenomenon of leaving home to go to work did not become the norm until…

Eminent Domain Act

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Eminent Domain Act

Despite mass public outcry following the U.S. Supreme Court’s infamous decision in Kelo v. City of New London, eminent domain for private gain continues to threaten homeowners and small businesses. While 43 states reformed their laws…

Driver’s License Suspensions and Revocations

Fines and Fees

Driver’s License Suspensions and Revocations

Eleven million Americans face the suspension or revocation of driving privileges because of unpaid fines and fees. Suspending and revoking licenses for the collection of court debt, and not public safety, is bad public policy.

Fines and Fees at Sentencing Act

Fines and Fees

Fines and Fees at Sentencing Act

Fines and fees are a routine part of criminal sentences. Many courts, however, fail to consider an offender’s ability to pay before assessing them. In fact, offenders often are ordered to pay fines and fees…