B. Kenneth Simon

October 1, 2003

October 2003

B. Kenneth Simon

(1923–2003) A Great Man From the Greatest Generation

By Chip Mellor

The men and women who came of age during the Depression and World War II have been called “the greatest generation.” Their sense of honor and patriotism combined with humility, sacrifice and perseverance to see America through its toughest challenges. No member of the greatest generation more epitomized its heroic qualities than Ken Simon.

Ken was deeply devoted to America’s founding principles. He believed that these founding principles gave him the opportunity to succeed, but more important to him was the belief that these principles offered hope to everyone in America and indeed the world. After serving in World War II, Ken returned home to his beloved Pittsburgh dedicated to doing whatever he could to protect the bedrock values of our nation.

He never lost sight of that goal, and after raising a family and creating a successful business, Ken decided to devote substantial resources to preserving and advancing the vision of our Founding Fathers. Thereafter, he provided wonderfully generous support to IJ, Cato, Heritage, Allegheny Institute, and others at the forefront of the freedom movement.

At IJ his support made possible the B. Kenneth and Margaret Lawrence Simon Fund for Constitutional Litigation. Under the Fund’s auspices, IJ won major victories in economic liberty, property rights, school choice and free speech. For that, we, our clients and countless others like them are enormously grateful.

We miss Ken, but his legacy endures in the Fund, in its past victories and in the ones yet to come.

Chip Mellor is IJ’s president and general counsel.


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Getting Milked: IJ Challenges Compelled Speech in “got milk?” Ad Campaign

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