Castle Coalition’s Second Conference March 28 & 29

February 1, 2003

February 2003

Castle Coalition’s Second Conference March 28 & 29

Come Be A Part of It

Talk about getting off to a fast start! Since the Castle Coalition’s launch last March, its members have led two communities (one in Allentown, N.J., and the other in Scottsdale, Ariz.) to defeat proposals that would have resulted in eminent domain abuse. The two communities were saved from losing neighborhoods of family homes and businesses to private developers. Many more individuals in communities nationwide continue to fight in defense of their property rights.

The Institute for Justice and Castle Coalition are giving property owners and community activists the tools they need to successfully wage these fights. The Castle Coalition will once again host a weekend of training focused on the “how to’s” of community activism and strategies in combating eminent domain abuse. The March 28-29 Castle Coalition Conference will feature IJ’s premier eminent domain attorneys to speak on legal matters, our nationally recognized media personnel to offer tactics on getting the message out, and members of the outreach team to share tips on activism, as well as an abundant amount of discussion time to swap stories and ideas with those on the front lines.

We expect this conference will lay the foundation so that next year at this time, we will report on several additional communities with the same victories as Allentown and Scottsdale!

Also in this issue

Score Two For the Underdogs: IJ Closes 2002 with Wine and Casket Victories

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