Decrease Your Taxes & Support Freedom

Decrease Your Taxes & Support Freedom
Would you like to make a gift that helps secure individual liberty while providing a charitable tax deduction, earning fixed income for life, and reducing your capital gains tax?
Consider establishing a charitable gift annuity with the Institute for Justice.
Here is an example of how an immediate payment annuity works: John Q. Justice, age 72, has securities worth $10,000 that he purchased for $5,000 several years ago. When Mr. Justice establishes a charitable gift annuity with IJ, he becomes eligible for a charitable deduction of $3,478 and an annual income of $670, based on an annuity rate of 6.7 percent. A portion of the income will be tax-free, a portion will be taxed as capital gains, and a portion will be taxed as ordinary income. By using his appreciated securities to fund a charitable gift annuity with IJ, Mr. Justice has secured income for life and tax benefits for himself, and helped extend the benefits of freedom to those whose full enjoyment of liberty has been denied by government.
Income rates for gift annuities will drop effective July 1, 2008. Now is the time to lock in a higher return.
Establishing a gift annuity with IJ will also entitle you to membership in IJ’s Four Pillars Society. For more information about gift annuities, the Four Pillars Society, or other ways to leave a legacy of liberty, contact Melanie Hildreth at [email protected] or 703-682-9320 x. 222.
These calculations are for illustration purposes only and should not be considered legal, accounting or other professional advice. Actual benefits may vary depending on the timing of the gift.
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