IJ’s Titan of Technology

April 1, 2004

April 2004

IJ’s Titan of Technology

By Brian Montgomery

It takes a remarkable talent to keep increasingly complicated network and accounting systems working. And it takes an even rarer breed to accomplish that with an unflappably calm bearing. Yet that is exactly what we have with Matt Corbett, IJ’s Titan of Technology—a position we also call our accounting and network administrator.

Each day Matt holds the weight of our office’s computer systems on his shoulders, yet never buckles under the strain. Whether it’s flying to Seattle at the spur of the moment to make sure the new chapter’s network is working properly or handling the many daily activities required to keep our books in order, Matt’s conscientious manner is something to admire.

Going to bed at 5 a.m. after working to fix a crashed server so that the rest of the organization could continue to work uninterrupted must be a far cry from what Matt was thinking his career would be like back when he was growing up and waking at 5 a.m. to help feed the animals on his parents’ farm, outside of Charlottesville, Va. Having underlying systems that are consistently up and running helps all of our core businesses run smoothly and efficiently. (One might ask how long it will take before Clint Bolick understands that a laptop’s floppy disk drive isn’t a good place to warm up a brownie, or that Chip Mellor needs to make friends with his only non-bureaucratic enemy—the cell phone—but Matt is always there to troubleshoot these and many other, more difficult technical problems with a positive, professional attitude.)

And while they may never receive the full appreciation they deserve, Matt’s diligence, timeliness and the strict internal accounting controls he oversees are instrumental to ensuring IJ maintains its 501(c)(3) charitable status. Matt’s work helps to ensure the contributions you provide are responsibly managed.

Matt Corbett’s responsibilities, shouldered day in and day out, are a heavy load, but they are an essential part of what gives us confidence as we face an increasingly technological future.

Brian Montgomery is IJ’s director of finance & administration.


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