In-Depth Podcasts From IJ’s Constitutional Experts

November 21, 2011

IJ has recorded a number of new podcasts designed to give mini-history lessons without needing to set foot in a classroom.  Topics of discussioninclude:

•    The Rational Basis Test

•    Judicial Activism

•    The history of the Lochner v. New York case

•    Economic Liberty in the U.S. Constitution

Listen to IJ attorneys discuss the principles we fight for as we advance a rule of law under which individuals can control their destinies as free and responsible members of society.  Each podcast is around 30 minutes and gives in-depth analysis from our constitutional experts.  Podcasts are great to listen to while commuting, on trips or even while doing household chores.Download current podcasts at and check back each month for new ones!


Also in this issue

In-Depth Podcasts From IJ’s Constitutional Experts

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