IJ’s Strategic Research Makes Media Waves Nationwide
In military terms, a force multiplier dramatically increases the impact of a group. This is precisely what Street Eats, Safe Eats has become in our already-successful National Street Vending Initiative.
In just the first three weeks after the report’s release, it was featured in 133 separate news stories in 55 different cities, including seven statewide, 16 regional, 34 national and two international outlets. Street Eats, Safe Eats saw coverage in some of the nation’s most prominent newspapers, such as the Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald and Seattle Times. It exploded through new media, with stories on Vox, Yahoo!, Self, Time magazine and Fox News online, Huffington Post, and foodie blogs like Eater, Bon Appetit and even the Food Network’s blog, just to name a few.
The report also enjoyed widespread coverage on television. Through news “packages” created by CNN, NBC and FOX, television stations in major media markets all over the country picked up stories about the report and added their own local content, including interviews with food-truck owners and health officials, as well as basic statistics about local inspection reports that confirmed our results.
This extensive coverage multiplies IJ’s ongoing efforts—including three vending cases and activism in 47 cities—to free food trucks and carts from onerous local regulations.
“Now you can feel just a little safer about your fast food options around town. Food truck eats, get in our bellies!”– Self magazine, June 19
“The law firm, Institute for Justice, said regular city inspections have helped to limit the number of health code violations issued to food truck vendors. However, the researchers recommended that vendors not be subjected to additional regulations, such as limitations on where and when they may operate. Such regulations would only serve to protect restaurant industry interests, rather than serving to make food products safer. Regulations in New York City, for example, supersede those for traditional restaurants, requiring longer waits for permits.”– Yahoo! Health, June 24
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