Making IJ a Household Name on the Net

There is an old expression: Show me your friends, and I’ll show you who you are.
If that proverb is true, then IJ is a growing force for freedom, and we have the social media friends, followers and fans to prove it. The Institute’s expanded presence on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other social media websites will mean not only that IJ can keep you better informed about our latest and greatest, but that you will be able to interact with the Institute more effectively to let us know how we are doing, guide us to new opportunities and share our message of freedom with your online friends. The more people hear our messages, the more effectively we can share our vision for a more free and just America.
What this means for you
Whether we’re arguing in court or in the court of public opinion, we can keep you updated on our battles to protect individual rights. Our Facebook page connects you with other likeminded people who believe in fighting for freedom The IJ Way. Following us on Twitter takes you to the frontlines with 140-character updates throughout the day. When you subscribe to IJ’s YouTube channel, you will be among the first to watch our cutting-edge videos that personalize, humanize and dramatize IJ’s stories. Our RSS feed (short for “really simple subscription”) delivers articles that can include’s latest updates, institutional op-eds and many other news items from the Merry Band of Litigators.
Sign me up!
• Links to all of IJ’s social media sites are at the lower left of every page. Click on one (or all of them!) and get better connected. Or you can:
• Go directly to IJ’s Facebook page: where you can “like” us and our messages will come up in your news feed. You may also “like” or share any individual story from our website by clicking on this graphic (shown to the left) that appears at the top of any page at
• Follow us on Twitter at to get updates on your Twitter feed.
• Set up your phone to receive text updates by texting “follow ij” to 40404 (regular texting rates apply).
• Subscribe to IJ’s YouTube channel by visiting and click on the large yellow “Subscribe” button at the top of the page. You will receive an email whenever a new IJ video is posted.
• Finally, if you are a blogger or if you like to get all your news in one place, the best option for you would be to sign up for IJ’s RSS feed . Just look for the orange RSS button, located at the bottom left of every page. You can either visit that link daily or subscribe using any one of many RSS readers available like Omea Reader, Shrook or Google Reader in order to pull down IJ news.
Thank you for your support of IJ. The Internet continues to make it possible for us to share IJ’s message with more people than ever before, and we are capitalizing on these opportunities in typical IJ entrepreneurial fashion.
Don Wilson is the Institute’s director of production and design.
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