Tasty Delite Receives Public Service Award

March 1, 2002

March 2002

Tasty Delite Receives Public Service Award

Tasty Delite International, a client of the Institute for Justice Clinic on Entrepreneurship, continues to grow beyond its owners’ wildest expectations and is now receiving accolades from the community. On Wednesday, February 21, 2002, Judy Barr Topinka of the Illinois Treasurer’s Office awarded Darryl Brown and the Tasty Delite team a public service award for their noble goal of creating jobs in the underserved neighborhood. Their seasoned coating product is sold in more than 25 states, through Safeway, Walgreens, Jewel, Dominic’s, Aldi’s and other independent stores. Soon they plan to move into new space designed to manufacture the Tasty Delite Product. None of this would have been possible without the generous support of the Opportunity Foundation, which provided this company necessary seed funds to develop the product and packaging.

Congratulations Tasty Delite!

IJ Clinic Director Patricia Lee stands with Tasty Delite Vice President Michael Davis and President Darryl Brown. Tasty Delite was recognized for creating jobs in underserved neighborhoods.

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