You Can Help IJ Train The Best and Brightest

November 2001
You Can Help IJ Train The Best and Brightest
By Kate McFarland
Even though it may seem eons away, the Institute for Justice is already preparing for an exciting and productive summer in 2002. A big part of summer at IJ is our law student program. We are now seeking talented law students to clerk at IJ and participate in our law student conference.
Clerks will have the opportunity to research and help create potential cases, draft pleadings and contribute to legal briefs. In addition to the legal work, IJ provides its clerks with a full calendar of educational and social activities. We host lunches with prominent lawyers, professors, IJ clients and judges giving them an opportunity to share their experience with the clerks. IJ clerks have the opportunity to attend forums at the nation’s top libertarian and conservative policy organizations, socialize with like-minded interns and play for IJ’s championship softball team!
During the second weekend in August, IJ invites 40 law students from across the nation to attend a three-day conference on public interest law. Our law student conference is held each year at Georgetown University and features lectures and workshops with some of the nation’s leading legal scholars. From cutting-edge constitutional theories to public interest litigation tactics to arguing in the court of public opinion, our students are exposed to ideas and skills that go beyond what is typically taught in law school.
Applications are currently being accepted for both clerkship positions and our law student conference. For more information on clerkships, please review our web page at Also available online are applications for our law student conference. Please pass this information along to anyone who might be interested in spending an exciting and rewarding summer in Washington, D.C. or Arizona while doing their part to safeguard individual liberties.
Kate McFarland is IJ’s HAN and outreach coordinator.
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