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Recent Episodes
Short Circuit 362 | Boil the Frog to Tear Down the House

Two cases, from the Fourth and Sixth Circuits, came out within just a few days of each other, and each was about a city tearing […]
Listen NowShort Circuit 361 | Reading the Qualified Tea Leaves

We welcome back Easha Anand of Stanford Law’s Supreme Court Litigation Clinic for her third (or is it fourth?) appearance. Last time she was on […]
Listen NowShort Circuit 360 | Weed and Fines

If you have a greenhouse, and a government agent sees it on Google Maps, is that fact probable cause to charge you with growing illegal […]
Listen NowShort Circuit 359 | Net Neutrality Flip Flops

A lot going on this week, including a lot of Short Circuit news. On the law side we talk about two recent opinions, one from […]
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