Short Circuit 237 | Live at the University of Montana

It’s the first Big Sky Short Circuit! Recorded in front of students at the University of Montana School of Law, we examine three cases from the Montana Supreme Court (or heading quickly toward it) from three eminent Montana attorneys. There’s cases on government immunity, racial balance on juries, and voting rights, intersecting with state law and the Montana Constitution. We also explore practicing in Big Sky Country and reforms the state supreme court might want to consider. The podcast was recorded in conjunction with a symposium of the Montana Law Review’s celebration of the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Montana Constitution. Whether you’re interested in Montana itself, or just in state law principles and how state constitutions interact with the rest of our legal system, we hope you’ll enjoy this broad exploration of those topics.

Click here for transcript.

L.B. v. United States

State v. Wellknown

Montana Youth Action v. Jacobsen

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