Eminent Domain Research Reports

Expropriation in Puerto Rico

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Expropriation in Puerto Rico

In a new report (released August 6), the Institute for Justice (IJ) gives Puerto Rico’s eminent domain laws a grade of “F.” IJ is a nonprofit, civil liberties law firm dedicated to ending eminent domain…

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Do restrictions on eminent domain harm economic development?

After the U.S. Supreme Court upheld in the Kelo decision the use of eminent domain for private-to-private transfer of property for economic development, public outrage was followed by attempts to restrict such use of eminent domain. Opponents…

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Five Years After Kelo

On June 23, 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision called Kelo v. City of New London,[1] ruled that private economic development is a public use under the Fifth Amendment…

Little Pink House

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Little Pink House

Before there were Tea Parties, there was Kelo. Susette Kelo’s name turned into a movement. Her loss of her property was the final straw for Americans in 2005. When they heard about the Kelo decision,…

Empire State Eminent Domain

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Empire State Eminent Domain

An analysis of the populations living in areas of New York City under threat of condemnation for private development finds that such eminent domain abuse disproportionately targets those who are less well-off and less educated,…

Building Empires, Destroying Homes

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Building Empires, Destroying Homes

New York is perhaps the worst state in the nation when it comes to eminent domain abuse. Government jurisdictions and agencies statewide have condemned or threatened to condemn homes and small businesses for the New…

Eminent Domain | Private Property

The Truth About Times Square

The former chairman and chief executive of New York state’s Urban Development Corporation reveals how Times Square succeeded for reasons that had little to do with government condemnation schemes and everything to do with public…

They Want to Erase Us Out

Eminent Domain | Private Property

They Want to Erase Us Out

This report documents how homes, farms and small businesses across Texas have been threatened by eminent domain for private gain.

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Baltimore’s Flawed Renaissance

Baltimore’s redevelopment strategy has long been deeply flawed and eminent domain has negatively impacted the city’s renewal.

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Simplify, Don’t Subsidize

An independent developer details the outrageous bureaucratic and regulatory hurdles small developers must pass in order to build private projects.

California Scheming

Eminent Domain | Private Property

California Scheming

The report summarizes the legal history and areas of contention behind eminent domain for private development in California.

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Doomsday? No Way

When the U.S. Supreme Court upheld eminent domain for private development in the 2005 Kelo case, the public reacted with shock and outrage, leading to a nationwide movement to reform state laws and curb the…

50 State Report Card

Eminent Domain | Private Property

50 State Report Card

Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s now-infamous decision in Kelo v. New London, 44 states have passed new laws aimed at curbing the abuse of eminent domain for private use.

Victimizing the Vulnerable

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Victimizing the Vulnerable

In Kelo v. City of New London—one of the most reviled U.S. Supreme Court decisions in history—the Court upheld the use of eminent domain by governments to take someone’s private property and give it to…

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Development Without Eminent Domain

The former mayor of Anaheim, Calif., describes how that city’s leadership brought economic vibrancy to one neighborhood without resorting to any takings of private property. He also explores the successes and failures of other cities…

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Eminent Domain & African Americans

Eminent domain has become what the Founding Fathers sought to prevent: a tool that takes from the poor and the politically weak to give to the rich and the politically powerful.

Dreher and Echeverria

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Dreher and Echeverria

In the fight to protect home and small business owners from the government’s abuse of eminent domain, it was only a matter of time until the apologists of the practice—taking property from one private individual…

A False Sense of Security

Eminent Domain | Private Property

A False Sense of Security

Washington state law is rife with opportunities for eminent domain abuse.

Redevelopment Wrecks

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Redevelopment Wrecks

Cities and developers tend to overhype the benefits of private development projects that use eminent domain. But many of these projects are failures.

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Opening the Floodgates

One year after the U.S. Supreme Court case, Kelo v. New London, local governments threatened eminent domain or condemned at least 5,783 homes, businesses, churches and other properties so that they could be transferred to…

Kelo v. City of New London

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Kelo v. City of New London

This white paper explains to both legislators and the general public why eminent domain reform is needed after the Kelo v. New London decision.

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Manual de Supervivencia contra el Uso Abusivo del Dominio Eminente

Activistas de todo el país han utilizado la información de este Manual de Supervivencia para proteger con éxito sus hogares y pequeños negocios del uso abusivo del dominio eminente. Este Manual de Supervivencia se elaboró…

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Eminent Domain Abuse Survival Guide

Activists nationwide have used the Eminent Domain Abuse Survival Guide to successfully fight illegitimate land-grabs. Expanding on the most effective practical strategies to protect your property outside of the courtroom, the Survival Guide is designed…

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Public Power, Private Gain

In the first-ever report to document private-to-private takings, the Institute for Justice found more than 10,000 instances of eminent domain abuse in just a five-year-period.

Government Theft

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Government Theft

The Institute for Justice brings together the 10 most egregious uses of eminent domain for private purposes from 1998 to 2001.