If you are reading this website, there is a good chance you are one of hundreds of Americans who had money wrongly taken by the IRS under so-called “structuring” laws. This website offers resources to help you get that money back.
This website is relevant to you only if the IRS seized your money because you deposited or withdrew money from the bank in amounts under $10,000. If the IRS took your money for some other reason—or if your money was seized by some other part of the government—then you can report your situation elsewhere on our website.
See below for resources for individuals who had money seized under the structuring laws, as well as for their attorneys. While the Institute for Justice cannot represent everyone who may be entitled to return of their money–and nothing in this website should be read as an offer to represent you in your case–we are pleased to provide this information for educational purposes to make it easier for you to exercise your rights.
First, Let Us Know Who You Are
The Institute for Justice can provide additional resources to help you get your money back, but in order to do so effectively we need to know more about your situation. Please fill out the fields below to start the conversation.
Structuring Petitions
Additional Resources
While the IRS has announced that it is considering returning money to people who had their money seized under the structuring laws, the IRS is doing so only for people who file what are called “petitions for remission or mitigation.”
As a resource, we are providing a template that can be used to draft a remission petition for your case. This template was written without any knowledge of your particular case, so please read it carefully to be sure that everything in the petition applies to you. When you sign the petition, you are swearing that it accurately states the facts of your case, so it is important that you read and edit the petition to ensure that it truthfully tells the agency about your situation.
In addition, you may find it helpful to read remission petitions previously filed by the Institute for Justice. The government granted both of these petitions in full, agreeing to return $29,500 to IJ client Randy Sowers and over $150,000 to IJ client Khalid Quran. Reading these petitions may help you craft a petition for your own case.
Once you have drafted your remission petition, you should send it to the government along with supporting documents. You should include copies of any paperwork that you received from the government regarding the forfeiture of your money, while of course also keeping copies of those documents for your records.
The IRS has asked people to submit petitions to the following address:
IRS-Criminal Investigation
Attn: Warrants & Forfeiture SE:CI:OPS:WF
1111 Constitution Ave. N.W., Room 2213
Washington, DC 20224
If you need additional information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with IJ Attorney Robert Everett Johnson at [email protected].