IJ’s Four Pillars Society members are helping us build a remarkable legacy with their planned gifts to the Institute for Justice. Each member plays a vital role in ensuring that the freedoms we hold dear are preserved for generations to come.
Inspired by the commitment of the Society’s members, IJ asked them to share their reasons for including IJ in their long-term plans. Read their inspirational submissions below:
“IJ supports my beliefs in reducing governmental control and unfair practices. I have had IJ contact city officials to remove unfair restrictions on advertising displays. They were prompt and the matter was dropped by the city of Everett, WA. Keep up the good work and keep the pressure on the violators.” – Ronald Behar, Mercer Island, WA
“I have never been disappointed in my decision to support IJ…” (more from G. Gregory Bauer, Oakland, CA)
“Advocate for liberty in the judicial system and in public relations.” – Michael Chastain, Austin, TX
“Here is what a huge difference the Institute for Justice made in Ventura, California…” (more from Camille Harris, Santa Rosa, CA)
“The think tanks and academic groups do important work, but only IJ is in the trenches every day…” (more from Don Hauptman, New York City)
“I first became aware of IJ when its attorneys successfully argued the Loving tax preparer case in 2012…” (more from Jane Johnson, Ventura, CA)
“It’s a great help to those who generally have no clout- and you provide that. You are loyal and constant to your mission. You are pretty wonderful.” – Angela Lennox-Kay, Hackettstown, NJ
“You deliver. Best bang for our buck. You are successful in legally fighting for our rights as U.S. citizens. No one else does it better. Thank you for your work.” – Dr. Ann Loudermilk and Mr. William Jakielaszek, Weymouth, MA
“IJ is one of the most incredible organizations I know in terms of preserving the constitutional rights of our citizens. IJ has given ‘muscle’ to little people with limited resources to fight government (and monopoly) abuses. IJ opened up opportunities for people to make a living for themselves and to make educational choices as they see fit for their children.” – Adel Luzuriaga, Glendale, CA
“Without dedicated citizens working for justice, many are left with pain, stress, constant defeat, suffering and a loss of hope. I know my support of IJ, both financially and through public praise and recognition, assures this dedicated group will always be fighting for the rights of those without the resources to fight for themselves. Against overreaching governments and endless special interests, IJ continues to post win after win—especially in cases focused on economic liberty—for those who otherwise don’t have a fighting chance.” – Patrick McAleer, Bloomington, IN
“I believe rights belong with the individual unless government has an overriding interest and have admired and given to IJ for its actions (not just words) to protect/redeem people from overreaching government.” – Peter Moyer, Incline Village, NV
“As a believer in freedom and individual responsibility, I believe money contributed to IJ has more long range impact in promoting these values than any organization I know of.” – James Rice, Kansas City, MO
“As an Institute for Justice client, I say what every other client says: ‘I’m pursuing these actions through the Institute for Justice because I don’t want what happened to me to happen to anyone else.’ Any support I can give to IJ is an investment in preserving liberties for all.” – Karen Sampson, Parker North, CO
“I believe I first became aware of the Institute for Justice back in the early ‘90s…” (more from Thomas and Linda Sartorius, Raleigh, NC)
“Turned 18 the year that age could vote- McGovern (I was 18!) after that I became a Libertarian and have followed you for several decades. I am now facing pancreatic cancer and took advantage of the matching gift presented several months ago. 30 years of small retail, Ayn Rand lover, and so appreciate what you do.” – Susan Schinsing, Oceana, CA
“Everyone wants to carry on a legacy, and I cannot think of a more deserving organization than the Institute for Justice…” (more from Jennifer Schulz, Waxhaw, NC)
“IJ is one of the few organizations making a real difference in protecting individual liberty. IJ does a great job of identifying clients and cases that offer opportunities for victories, and then does a good job publicizing those stories. As an attorney I have great appreciation for the results IJ achieves.” – Charles Solley, Atlanta, GA
“The Institute for Justice consistently and effectively defends individual freedom against overreaching government actions. It operates from principle, not politics.” – William P. Vockel, Traverse City, MI
“Good versus evil is one of the most enduring themes in the movies…” (more from Michael Wahl, Wilmington, DE)
“Four Pillars“, a poem by Nick Wolf, Danbury, CT
“Defense of individual rights. Helps the little guy. My last attorney thought you did good work.” – Robert Zimmerman, Las Vegas, NV