Jennifer McDonald is IJ’s Cities Work Director, where she partners with cities across the country to make it cheaper, faster, and simpler to start a small business by identifying and rectifying regulatory barriers facing small business owners. She is also an Assistant Director of Activism. In both roles, Jenny engages with policymakers, regulators, and activists to achieve needed reforms at all levels of government. Through research, legislative advocacy, coalition building, and working with the media, she defends every entrepreneur’s right to earn an honest living. She also speaks at national conferences on topics such as the power of entrepreneurship, reducing red tape for small businesses, and organizing coalitions of activists to advocate for themselves.
Prior to joining the Activism team, Jenny was an IJ senior research analyst, where she authored IJ reports on topics such as civil forfeiture, municipal fines and fees, government transparency, occupational licensing, and home-based businesses. Her work has appeared in multiple academic journals and her research results have been cited in national media outlets such as the Washington Post, New York Times, Politico, and Los Angeles Times.
She holds a Master of Public Administration from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a bachelor’s degree in history from California State University San Marcos.
Jennifer's Research & Reports
Civil Forfeiture | Private Property
Does Civil Forfeiture Fight Crime? Evidence From New Mexico
Abstract: This study examined civil forfeiture’s impact on crime rates. Proponents of civil forfeiture, which allows law enforcement to take and permanently keep property without a criminal conviction, claim it is an essential crime-fighting tool,…

Food Freedom
New Data Show Homemade Food for Sale is Incredibly Safe
Is buying homemade food safe? New data from the Institute for Justice (IJ) show the answer to that question is a resounding “yes.” IJ contacted the seven states with the broadest homemade food laws (California,…

Economic Liberty | Private Property
Entrepreneur From Home: How Home-Based Businesses Provide Flexibility and Opportunity—and How Cities Can Get Out of Their Way

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property
Frustrating, Corrupt, Unfair
Victims of civil forfeiture call it frustrating, corrupt and unfair. This first-of-its-kind survey describes the experiences of victims of one civil forfeiture program, Philadelphia’s.
Code Enforcement | Fines and Fees | Private Property
A Case Study of Municipal Taxation by Citation
This study examines taxation by citation—local governments using code enforcement and the justice system to raise revenue rather than solely to advance public health and safety. It does so through a detailed case study of…

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property
Policing for Profit
Nationwide, civil forfeiture is a massive threat to property and due process rights. So finds the third edition of Policing for Profit: The Abuse of Civil Asset Forfeiture. The report presents the largest ever collection…

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property
Jetway Robbery?
Law enforcement agencies routinely seize currency from travelers at airports nationwide using civil forfeiture—a legal process that allows agencies to take and keep property without ever charging owners with a crime, let alone securing a…

Code Enforcement | Fines and Fees | Private Property
The Price of Taxation by Citation
Taxation by citation is when local governments use their power to enforce traffic and other ordinances to raise revenue rather than solely to protect the public. This report explores the phenomenon via case studies of…
Economic Liberty | Food Freedom
The relationship between cottage food laws and business outcomes
The increasing popularity of cottage foods in the United States requires that state laws regulating the industry be given careful consideration. However, little is known about cottage food producers or their businesses. This article discusses…

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property
Civil Forfeiture Hurts America’s Poor
In 2014, Tyson Timbs sold $400 worth of drugs to undercover police in an effort to support his addiction. Tyson, a first-time offender, was sentenced to one year of house arrest and five years of…

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property
Forfeiture in Arizona
In 2017, Arizona adopted incremental but important bipartisan reforms of the state’s civil forfeiture system. These reforms included new transparency requirements for forfeiture, obliging agencies to report the value, type and date of a property…

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property
Civil Forfeiture, Crime Fighting and Safeguards for the Innocent
In 2017, the Department of Justice revived a controversial federal forfeiture program the previous administration had sharply curtailed. In defense of these “adoptive forfeitures” or “adoptions,” as well as of civil forfeiture in general, the…

Economic Liberty | Food Freedom
Ready to Roll
Most states have “cottage food laws,” which regulate the sale of homemade foods. The specifics vary from state to state, but most such laws restrict the types of homemade foods that may be sold. Research…
Economic Liberty | Occupational Licensing
The Continuing Burden of Occupational Licensing in the United States
This study follows up an earlier study in which we examined the scope and burden of 102 occupational licensing laws in the United States for low‐ and moderate‐income occupations. Using data collected in 2017, findings…
Economic Liberty | Occupational Licensing
Additional Information: The Continuing Burden of Occupational Licensing in the United States
This page displays additional results for the article, “The Continuing Burden of Occupational Licensing in the United States,” published in Economic Affairs. Section 3.3 (Change over Time) describes differences in licensing requirements among occupations and states…

Economic Liberty | Food Freedom
Flour Power
All across the country, thousands of Americans are making food at home to sell in their communities. Together, they form the small but growing “cottage food” industry. With renewed interest in this age-old industry, laws…

Economic Liberty | Private Property
Finding the American Dream at Home
Across the country, millions of enterprising people are running businesses out of their homes. This report outlines the myriad benefits of home-based businesses and suggests that government regulations curtailing them are short-sighted. It details how…

Economic Liberty | Occupational Licensing
License to Work 2
License to Work, 2nd Edition Published in 2017, this is an older edition of IJ’s landmark License to Work report. You can download the report and read about data improvements we made between the first…

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property
Forfeiture Transparency & Accountability
Every year, local, state and federal law enforcement agencies across the United States seize and keep billions of dollars in cash, cars, homes and other property using a legal tool called forfeiture. Criminal forfeiture requires…

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property
Policing for Profit: Second Edition
Policing for Profit, 2nd Edition Published in 2015, this is an older edition of IJ’s landmark Policing for Profit report. You can download the report here, but please see the third and current edition for the most up-to-date…