Melissa Lopresti

Director of Litigation Operations

Melissa LoPresti joined IJ in the summer of 2011.  She currently serves as the Director of Litigation Operations.  In that role, Melissa works with IJ’s leadership team on the day-to-day management of IJ’s current and upcoming cases, attorney hiring, and training efforts.

Additionally, Melissa manages the group of more than 1000 lawyers nationwide who make up IJ’s Human Action Network.  IJ draws on this important group of liberty-protecting lawyers to serve as local counsel, file amicus briefs, represent IJ in Freedom of Information Act lawsuits, and even litigate full cases.  Many of these lawyers are former IJ clerks and some have gone on to work for IJ full time!

She also travels around the country to meet with IJ’s donors and ensures that their investment is recognized and results are reported to them.

Melissa attended the University of Georgia and graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a B.A. in Political Science and minors in History and Art History.  In her free time, she enjoys golf, tennis and gardening.

Melissa's Research & Reports

Economic Liberty | Health

Conning the Competition

A Certificate Of Need (CON) is a government-mandated permission slip to start or expand a business. Think of a CON like an expensive admission ticket to access an exclusive club. You can be sure that…

Melissa's News, Articles & Publications