In August 2016, a judge from the District Court of Travis County in Texas struck down a 2013 state law requiring breweries to surrender millions of dollars in distribution rights for free. The ruling, which is currently being appealed, is a blow to laws that benefit “bottleneckers.” The Institute for Justice’s new book, Bottleneckers: Gaming the Government for Power and Private Profit, defines a bottlenecker as:
a person who advocates for the creation or perpetuation of government regulation, particularly an occupational license, to restrict entry into his or her occupation, thereby accruing an economic advantage without providing a benefit to consumers.
The term was inspired by alcohol distributors, but representatives from other industries—such as interior design—have displayed similar behavior when their licensing schemes were challenged.
Bottleneckers provides a history of some of these schemes and the challenges brought against them, all while pointing the way to greater reforms.
A book discussion and signing with Dick Carpenter, director of strategic research and co-author of Bottleneckers, is being hosted in Austin, Texas, by the Texas Public Policy Foundation this Wednesday, February 1, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. A complimentary lunch will also be served.
For more information about the event and to register, visit: http://www.texaspolicy.com/events/detail/bottleneckers-book-discussion-and-signing-with-dick-carpenter