Blanca Prescott

March 11, 2015

Blanca Prescott has suffered through horrible, firsthand experiences of life in a city plagued with a taxicab cartel.  Blanca, a young, single mother of three who went completely blind due to illness at age 20, relies on taxi service for transportation around Minneapolis.  Her family cannot afford a car and her neighborhood is too hazardous, particularly given her condition, for her to feel safe using the city’s bus service.

Blanca discovered A New Star in late 2003 after terrible service from the existing Minneapolis taxicab cartel.  Wait times varied wildly from 15 minutes to almost two hours.  Sometimes taxis never came or were dispatched to the wrong address.  Drivers refused to walk Blanca to her door and even dropped her off two or more houses down the street from her home with no help.  Blanca encountered rude service and believes she was overcharged by drivers taking unnecessarily long routes.

By contrast, her service with A New Star has been outstanding.  The drivers walk her from her door, help her in the car, walk her to her destination and speak in Spanish, which is her preference.  The dispatcher always calls if the car will be late and her wait time is usually between five and 10 minutes.