IJ’s Project on Immunity and Accountability in the News
Since IJ launched our Project on Immunity and Accountability in January 2020, we have placed numerous topical op-eds in prestigious media outlets read by judges, legislators, opinion leaders and ordinary Americans. The below are a just a sample of the pieces we have published making the case for reform. Check back as we will add to this list.

- Did a Border Patrol agent rough you up? The Supreme Court fails to see how judges can help.
- This is Justice Breyer’s last chance to stop the slide toward absolute immunity for federal officers
- Deputizing gone wild: Federal task forces give state and local cops ridiculously broad immunity
- A rookie cop mistook my sons for gang members and searched them at gunpoint. Where’s our justice?
- City officials threw me in jail to silence me. Years later, I’m still seeking justice.
- Hope for reforming qualified immunity? It may lie in a compromise bill, a leaked draft shows
- Lower courts take notice: The Supreme Court is rethinking qualified immunity
- The Supreme Court might be finding its way to overturning ‘qualified immunity’
- Police act like laws don’t apply to them because of ‘qualified immunity.’ They’re right.
- I was beaten by the police for no reason. Now the Supreme Court should give me justice.

- Arizona Moves to Hold Cops Unaccountable
- When Civil Immunity Becomes Impunity
- Tear-Gas Grenades and ‘Qualified Immunity’