Creative Ways to Support Liberty

May 2002
Creative Ways to Support Liberty
By Beth Stevens
Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, IJ has had one of its most successful years yet of litigation and outreach. Now, as we approach the end of our fiscal year on June 30, we hope to finish with an equally strong fund-raising effort that will allow us the flexibility and financial wherewithal needed to continue to beat back Leviathan in the months ahead.
You’ve read in the pages of Liberty & Law about the progress we’ve made over the last year on behalf of our clients. Lonzo and Matilda Archie in Mississippi, for instance, are secure in their home thanks to IJ’s challenge of the state’s abuse of eminent domain. Thousands of schoolchildren in Cleveland continue to attend safe, effective schools through school choice while the U.S. Supreme Court considers their case. And entrepreneurs like the Reverend Nathaniel Craigmiles and Juanita Swedenburg each are a step closer to being able to pursue their chosen professions unfettered and free from excessive government restrictions thanks to IJ’s cutting-edge litigation and work in the court of public opinion.
We certainly couldn’t have achieved these victories without your financial support.
And now, as we close out this year and head into the next, I’d like to share with you just three of the non-traditional ways our donors have found to help IJ.
Online Shopping: Believe it or not, you actually can help IJ just by shopping online. Sign up at and shop for everyday items at more than 330 stores. Up to 26 percent of your purchase price will be donated to IJ. It’s free and there are no invisible costs or tricky obligations. So now you can buy the items you’ve always wanted—like that CD box set, expensive cologne, or the oversized coffee-table book you’ve had your eyes on—all without the guilt. Retailers include Barnes and Noble, CDNow, Land’s End, and, so don’t delay—start shopping today!
Periodic Giving: Many of our donors have found that it’s easier to contribute periodically throughout the year rather than in one lump sum. Oftentimes, they use their online banking system to set up IJ as a payee, then have a certain amount deducted from their checking or savings account each month. Alternatively, you could let us know how much and how often you’d like to contribute, and we’ll do the processing from here. It’s that simple.
Matching Gifts: Check out our matching gifts database to see if your company has a matching gifts program. You can double or even triple the dollars that come to IJ without spending another dime. Just fill out the form, send it to IJ, and we’ll do the rest!
These are just three of the simple, creative ways our donors have found to support IJ. There are, of course, others—like including IJ in your estate plans, contributing long-term appreciated assets like stock or simply writing a check. If you’d like details on these or any other giving strategies please feel free to give us a call. In the meantime, thanks, as always, for your continued support. Together, we can end this fiscal year on the strongest financial footing yet!
Beth Stevens is IJ’s development director.
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