IJ Creates Another Case Study In the Fight for Freedom

May 1, 2002

May 2002

IJ Creates Another Case Study In the Fight for Freedom

By John E. Kramer

Many of the Institute for Justice’s cases are textbook examples (literally) of the fight between individuals and the growing State. Collegiate economics textbooks feature IJ’s battle on behalf of Denver taxicab drivers, New York van operators and Las Vegas limousine entrepreneurs to spotlight how politically connected cartels co-opt government force to block newcomers from entering an industry. We can now add to our list of case study examples in the fight for individual liberty that of our New London, Connecticut, property owners on whose behalf IJ is fighting the abuse of eminent domain.

In March, Seattle University MBA students enrolled in a business ethics class examined this abusive use of government force in a report titled, Justice, Only Justice, the name taken from a speech by former New London Development Corporation President Claire Gaudiani, who tried to bulldoze property owners’ homes and their rights as part of her grand development scheme. The report noted, “It was [Gaudiani’s] lack of respect for the individuals and their dignity that caused [the Institute for Justice] to become involved.”


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