Bill and Rebecca Dunn Liberty Defense Fund

December 2014
Example 1 (One-time Gift):In 2013, a donor made a contribution of $5,000. In 2014, the donor increases to $25,000. The increase of $20,000 earns $10,000 in matching funds.
Example 2 (Multi-year Pledge):In 2013, a donor made a contribution of $5,000. In 2014, the donor pledges to give $5,000 each year in 2014, 2015 and by June 30, 2016. This pledge of $15,000 total represents an increase of $10,000 and earns $5,000 in matching funds.
For more information, please contact:
Beth StevensVice President for Development(703) 682-9320 ext [email protected]
Melanie HildrethDirector of Development(703) 682-9320 ext [email protected]
The need to limit government growth has never been more urgent.
Longtime IJ donors Bill and Rebecca Dunn are two extraordinary individuals with a passionate commitment to liberty. They recognize that IJ is uniquely positioned to protect individual rights and limit government power at a crucial time. They wish to inspire other donors who will make it possible for IJ to protect the rights of many more people for many more years to come.
The Bill and Rebecca Dunn Liberty Defense Fund is a $5 million challenge grant that will provide a $1 match for every $2 of increased support of $5,000 or more from existing IJ donors between now and June 30, 2016. New donors giving $1,000 or more also will earn matching funds.
When the challenge is completed in June 2016, the Liberty Defense Fund will generate $15 million for IJ to use in our fight for constitutional limits on government power. We are deeply grateful to Bill and Rebecca for their unwavering dedication to IJ and the cause of liberty.
Contributions made as part of multi-year pledges are treated more favorably than the same contributions if made in each match year separately (see example at left).
Please help us make the most of this exciting opportunity. For information on how to leverage your support through the Bill and Rebecca Dunn Liberty Defense Fund, please contact Beth Stevens or Melanie Hildreth at IJ at the info below.
Beth Stevens Vice President for Development (703) 682-9320 ext 233 [email protected]
Melanie Hildreth Director of Development (703) 682-9320 ext 222 [email protected]
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