We celebrate, and dig into, two victories for property rights this week—both in IJ cases! First, IJ’s Wesley Hottot discusses the Sixth Circuit’s opinion in his clients’ challenge to Detroit’s vehicle seizure program. Wayne County, Michigan will seize cars on flimsy grounds and then wait months until the owner can even try and get the car back—unless you fork over some ransom money, in which case it doesn’t matter what the evidence is. The court found this a clear constitutional violation and ruled that owners should be able to contest these seizures within two weeks. Then, in a tale that will shock our bibliophile listeners, IJ’s Bob McNamara tells us of what the D.C. Circuit thought of the Library of Congress’s program of forcibly taking books as part of its copyright program, even when the taking of the books had nothing to do with copyright. For years small publishers have been threatened with fines if they don’t turn over books, without any compensation, and even though the books are copyrighted anyway. Many of these books are then literally thrown away. Sound like a taking? The court agrees. There’s also some grumbling about moving books between apartments.

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Ingram v. Wayne County

Valancourt Books v. Garland

Culley v. Marshall (pending SCOTUS case)

Baby Ninth book page (with events)

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