
A New Panel Dataset for Studies Using Substate Units of Analysis and Indicators of Drug Activity

This research note reports on the creation of a new panel dataset using multiple waves of substate estimates from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. It also provides identifying information that contains state, place, and/or agency codes for merging additional datasets at levels below the state. The process for creating this dataset and for merging external data is described. This research note ends by providing an example analysis utilizing the panel dataset in combination with law enforcement personnel data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and forfeiture data from municipalities in Minnesota to analyze the relationship between civil asset forfeiture and crime.

Suggested citation: Carpenter, D., & Ward, A. (2022). A new panel dataset for studies using substate units of analysis and indicators of drug activity. Urban Affairs Review, 58(3), 907–918. doi: 10.1177/1078087420984544.

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