Become a Coach
Our Semi-Finalists and Finalists are all focused on building their dreams and their communities. The IJ Clinic provides coaching, training, and networking opportunities through South Side Pitch & our other programming to prepare our applicants for the big stage! If you’re an experienced entrepreneur, coach, or business investor, we’d love to hear from you. Please reach out to us via our contact form to inquire about opportunities to support Chicago’s budding entrepreneurs through South Side Pitch Coaching & other opportunities.
Sign Up for Email Updates
Sign up for email updates about South Side Pitch and stay involved.
Vote for Your Favorite Small Business
Watch and vote for your favorite small business on the South Side! South Side Pitch has two phases of watching and voting from community members: the semifinalist phase and the finalist phase. To learn more, visit the South Side Pitch Event Page.
Each year, we assemble a panel of prestigious expert judges from a variety of neighborhoods and industries. If you would like to nominate someone to be one of our judges or be a judge, please reach out to us via our contact form!
Spread the Word
Help spread the word on South Side Pitch by sharing our virtual flyer on social media and through email.
Donations & Sponsorships
The Institute for Justice guarantees South Side Pitch continues to bring entrepreneurs into the spotlight, but our sponsors really make the event shine! Sponsors of South Side Pitch can support us by increasing the prize pool, supporting event logistics, and by boosting our outreach. We’re thankful every year to partner with generous supporters, and we look forward to building new bridges for South Side Pitch 2024!
South Side Pitch is generously supported by the Institute for Justice, the UChicago Office of Civic Engagement, & The Polsky Center. Our community partners make this event possible year after year, and each year the spotlight gets brighter as we inspire support from former audience-members-turned entrepreneurs and major brands like the White Sox and United Airlines. The IJ Clinic’s mission to bring these entrepreneurs to the stage and showcase the South Side’s ingenuity relies on the community’s continued support.