Recognizing Excellence

December 1, 2006

IJ Chief Financial Officer Brian Montgomery, was recently recognized for his leadership and commitment to financial stewardship. The Washington D.C. accounting firm Tate & Tryon awarded Brian the 1st Annual Best Practices and Exemplary Achievements in Not-for-Profit Financial Management after evaluating financial executives from the Greater Washington area nonprofit community.

IJ President Chip Mellor and Vice President for Communications John Kramerreceive an award for their presentation on economic liberty given to the annual convention of the Ohio Conference of the NAACP. Presenting the award, from left, are James Workman, legal redress chair; Sybil Edwards-McNabb, president; andOphelia Averitt, board member.

Also in this issue

Ending 2006 Strong

IJ Takes on Another Speech-Squelching Campaign Finance Law

Designing Cartels

Recognizing Excellence

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