First Amendment Research Reports

Putting Licensing to the Test

Economic Liberty | First Amendment | Occupational Licensing | Occupational Speech

Putting Licensing to the Test

More Americans than ever need a license to work. But what do occupational licenses actually accomplish? This case study of one such license adds to a growing body of research that suggests this red tape…

Occupational Speech and the First Amendment

First Amendment | Occupational Speech | Tour Guides

Occupational Speech and the First Amendment

In May 2013, newspaper columnist John Rosemond received a cease-and-desist letter from the Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology informing him that his syndicated column — in which he answers readers’ questions about parenting —…

First Amendment | Political Speech

The Public’s Right to Know versus Compelled Speech

In this Article, we question neither the desirability of creating transparency in the ties between candidates and their contributors, nor the efficacy of disclosure regulations in affecting this end. This is despite the fact that…

Full Disclosure

First Amendment | Political Speech

Full Disclosure

Publicly disclosing contributions to ballot issue campaigns does little to help voters make better choices—and instead imposes substantial costs on people wishing to participate in politics.

Keep Out

First Amendment | Political Speech

Keep Out

Campaign-finance laws protect political insiders by making it harder for upstart citizen groups to form and bring new voices to public debate.

Mowing Down the Grassroots

First Amendment | Political Speech

Mowing Down the Grassroots

Grassroots lobbying—encouraging citizens to contact public officials in order to affect public policy—is quintessential representative democracy in action. However, as this report documents, sweeping lobbying laws in 36 states threaten to strangle grassroots movements in…

The Regulation of Grassroots Lobbying

First Amendment

The Regulation of Grassroots Lobbying

President Obama’s domestic policies have generated opposition among many in the general public and mobilized previously uninvolved citizens. This opposition has manifested itself in public rallies, “tea party” protests, and spirited feedback at town hall…

Attack Ballot Issue Disclosure Root and Branch

First Amendment

Attack Ballot Issue Disclosure Root and Branch

For years, the lower federal and many state courts have given short shrift to the First Amendment rights of those who wish to contribute money to groups that advocate the passage or defeat of ballot…

Locking Up Political Speech

First Amendment | Political Speech

Locking Up Political Speech

Americans were once free to speak about politics without asking permission from the government or being forced to document their political activities for the authorities.  But under the guise of “campaign finance reform,” government regulation…

First Amendment | Political Speech

Mandatory disclosure for ballot initiative campaigns

This research examines some of the assumptions inherent in discussions of campaign-finance disclosure laws as they relate to ballot issues. Specifically, it tests the theory that mandatory disclosure contributes to “better” (that is, more informed)…

Designed to Exclude

Economic Liberty | First Amendment | Interior Design | Occupational Licensing | Occupational Speech

Designed to Exclude

Americans used to be free to practice interior design work and succeed or fail based solely on their skills. But, to the detriment of consumers and would-be entrepreneurs, that is changing. The American Society of…

Davis v. FEC and the Constitutionality of “Clean Elections” Systems

First Amendment

Davis v. FEC and the Constitutionality of “Clean Elections” Systems

In a “clean elections” system, taxpayer funded candidates must agree to limit their campaign spending. Imposing limits on campaign spending for candidates who forego taxpayer dollars and instead run traditional campaigns would be unconstitutional. Most… and the Paradox of Buckley v. Valeo

First Amendment and the Paradox of Buckley v. Valeo

The right to free speech, including the right to speak out about who should be elected to public office, is a fundamental American right, essential to democratic debate. So, too, is the right of individuals…

Economic Liberty | First Amendment | Interior Design | Occupational Licensing | Occupational Speech

Designed to Mislead

Do people who design interiors “mislead” the public when they call themselves “interior designers” without government permission? Industry insiders advocating greater regulation say yes, but practicing interior designers who simply want to accurately describe what…

Economic Liberty | First Amendment | Interior Design | Occupational Licensing | Occupational Speech

Misinformation & Interior Design Regulation

This report responds to a purported rebuttal of the Institute for Justice’s research on interior design regulations and details how its author, an advocate of increased regulation, fails to provide any evidence of the need…

Designing Cartels

Economic Liberty | First Amendment | Interior Design | Occupational Licensing | Occupational Speech

Designing Cartels

This report examines titling laws, little-known regulations that require people practicing certain professions to gain government permission to use a specific title, such as “interior designer,” to describe their work. Although titling laws receive little…

Campaign Finance Red Tape

First Amendment | Political Speech

Campaign Finance Red Tape

Twenty-four states permit citizens to make laws directly through ballot measures. These states also regulate how citizens—if they band together—may speak out about them. In the name of “disclosure,” these regulations impose complicated registration and…

First Amendment | Political Speech

Disclosure Costs

This study examines the impact of one of the most common features of campaign finance regulations: mandatory disclosure of contributions and contributors’ personal information. While scholars have looked at the effects of other kinds of…