Research Reports

Fiscal Analysis of Arizona’s Corporate Tax Credit Scholarship Program

Educational Choice | Tax Credit Scholarships

Fiscal Analysis of Arizona’s Corporate Tax Credit Scholarship Program

This report updates a 2005 analysis by Arizona’s Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) that looked at the fiscal impact of a proposed corporate tuition tax-credit scholarship program and reflects the program as actually passed in…

Arizona Individual and Corporate Tax Credits

Educational Choice | Tax Credit Scholarships

Arizona Individual and Corporate Tax Credits

Arizona’s tax code, like that of many state, national and international governments, includes a series of tax credits individuals and corporations may use to offset taxes owed. Arizona’s individual and corporate scholarship tax credit programs…

Redevelopment Wrecks

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Redevelopment Wrecks

Cities and developers tend to overhype the benefits of private development projects that use eminent domain. But many of these projects are failures.

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Opening the Floodgates

One year after the U.S. Supreme Court case, Kelo v. New London, local governments threatened eminent domain or condemned at least 5,783 homes, businesses, churches and other properties so that they could be transferred to…

School Choice and the North Carolina Constitution

Educational Choice

School Choice and the North Carolina Constitution

Education has always been an issue of central concern for the people of North Carolina. Even before statehood, the area’s colonists made concerted efforts to secure the blessings of education for their children. In 1776,…

Economic Liberty | Hair Braiding

A Dream Deferred

Hair braiding provides outstanding economic opportunities, but licensure requirements in many states have given mainstream cosmetologists a near monopoly.

Kelo v. City of New London

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Kelo v. City of New London

This white paper explains to both legislators and the general public why eminent domain reform is needed after the Kelo v. New London decision.

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Manual de Supervivencia contra el Uso Abusivo del Dominio Eminente

Activistas de todo el país han utilizado la información de este Manual de Supervivencia para proteger con éxito sus hogares y pequeños negocios del uso abusivo del dominio eminente. Este Manual de Supervivencia se elaboró…

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Eminent Domain Abuse Survival Guide

Activists nationwide have used the Eminent Domain Abuse Survival Guide to successfully fight illegitimate land-grabs. Expanding on the most effective practical strategies to protect your property outside of the courtroom, the Survival Guide is designed…

No Such Thing

Economic Liberty

No Such Thing

The original legal definition of insanity is the inability to tell right from wrong.1 So it is the first irony of the “rational” basis test that it is, according to that definition, insane. The word…

Policing and Prosecuting for Profit

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property

Policing and Prosecuting for Profit

In 2002, New Jersey’s Carol Thomas made headlines after her teenage son used her 1990 Ford Thunderbird to sell marijuana to an undercover police officer. He was arrested, pled guilty and faced his punishment. However,…

Entrepreneurship in the Emerald City

Economic Liberty

Entrepreneurship in the Emerald City

This study examines the effects of regulation on entry into several occupations in Washington state and, specifically, the greater Seattle area.

Burdensome Barriers

Economic Liberty

Burdensome Barriers

If set free from burdensome and needless regulations, Arizona entrepreneurs would find it easier to open new businesses. When government regulation are necessary, they should be highly circumscribed, easily understandable and narrowly tailored to achieve…

The Past Should Not Shackle the Present

Educational Choice

The Past Should Not Shackle the Present

In Zelman v. Simmons-Harris, the Supreme Court ruled that school voucher programs in which parents choose which schools, including religiously affiliated schools, their children attend do not violate the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause. The consequences…


Judicial Abdication and the Rise of Special Interests

Interest group politics is a problem that has plagued American government since the nation was founded. The Constitution itself was drafted and adopted in large part because of the intractable problems that interest group politics,…

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Public Power, Private Gain

In the first-ever report to document private-to-private takings, the Institute for Justice found more than 10,000 instances of eminent domain abuse in just a five-year-period.

Government Theft

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Government Theft

The Institute for Justice brings together the 10 most egregious uses of eminent domain for private purposes from 1998 to 2001.

Economic Liberty

Is New York City Killing Entrepreneurship?

This report describes licensing and permitting laws and related regulations affecting entry-level entrepreneurship in New York City.

Economic Liberty

Entrepreneurship in San Antonio

Entrepreneurs in San Antonio need that Alamo spirit and perseverance to surmount obstacles placed in their way by state and local laws.

Economic Liberty

How Detroit Drives Out Motor City Entrepreneurs

Detroit is plagued by an intimidating bureaucracy, stifling and expensive rules, and a lack of easily obtained information. The government needs to get out of the way to allow the residents of Detroit to reach…

Economic Liberty

Entrepreneurship in Charlotte

Too often, the government gets in the way through anachronistic and anti-competitive regulations that are often enforced by bureaucrats who do not share Charlotte’s entrepreneurial spirit.

Economic Liberty


Baltimore's small shops and entry-level entrepreneurs are a vital, year-round source of employment and opportunity for those struggling to gain a foothold on the economic ladder.