Research Reports

Bureaucratic Barbed Wire

Economic Liberty

Bureaucratic Barbed Wire

Texas has a unique heritage of inspiring entrepreneurs. But the state has been restricting the economic liberty long enjoyed by its citizens.

Locking Up Political Speech

First Amendment | Political Speech

Locking Up Political Speech

Americans were once free to speak about politics without asking permission from the government or being forced to document their political activities for the authorities.  But under the guise of “campaign finance reform,” government regulation…

Regulatory Field

Economic Liberty

Regulatory Field

Want to create a job in Chicago? It is not that easy. Especially in such tough economic times, people may be shocked to discover the lengths to which the city of Chicago and the state…

First Amendment | Political Speech

Mandatory disclosure for ballot initiative campaigns

This research examines some of the assumptions inherent in discussions of campaign-finance disclosure laws as they relate to ballot issues. Specifically, it tests the theory that mandatory disclosure contributes to “better” (that is, more informed)…

Eminent Domain | Private Property

The Truth About Times Square

The former chairman and chief executive of New York state’s Urban Development Corporation reveals how Times Square succeeded for reasons that had little to do with government condemnation schemes and everything to do with public…

Expanding Choice

Educational Choice

Expanding Choice

School choice enjoys strong support among Montana residents, and of choice options, tax credits enjoy the greatest level of popularity. Such programs grant tax credits to taxpayers who donate to nonprofit organizations that give scholarships…

Designed to Exclude

Economic Liberty | First Amendment | Interior Design | Occupational Licensing | Occupational Speech

Designed to Exclude

Americans used to be free to practice interior design work and succeed or fail based solely on their skills. But, to the detriment of consumers and would-be entrepreneurs, that is changing. The American Society of…

Choice and Opportunity

Educational Choice

Choice and Opportunity

On February 29, 2008, Gov. Bobby Jindal presented the Louisiana Legislature with a proposed budget allocating $10 million for a school choice initiative that would enable parents in New Orleans to send their children to…

Expanding Choice

Educational Choice

Expanding Choice

One of the oldest and more popular forms of school choice in the United States is educational tax credit. Like many other types of school choice, educational tax credits enable parents to send their children…

Davis v. FEC and the Constitutionality of “Clean Elections” Systems

First Amendment

Davis v. FEC and the Constitutionality of “Clean Elections” Systems

In a “clean elections” system, taxpayer funded candidates must agree to limit their campaign spending. Imposing limits on campaign spending for candidates who forego taxpayer dollars and instead run traditional campaigns would be unconstitutional. Most… and the Paradox of Buckley v. Valeo

First Amendment and the Paradox of Buckley v. Valeo

The right to free speech, including the right to speak out about who should be elected to public office, is a fundamental American right, essential to democratic debate. So, too, is the right of individuals…

They Want to Erase Us Out

Eminent Domain | Private Property

They Want to Erase Us Out

This report documents how homes, farms and small businesses across Texas have been threatened by eminent domain for private gain.

Economic Liberty | First Amendment | Interior Design | Occupational Licensing | Occupational Speech

Designed to Mislead

Do people who design interiors “mislead” the public when they call themselves “interior designers” without government permission? Industry insiders advocating greater regulation say yes, but practicing interior designers who simply want to accurately describe what…

Economic Liberty | First Amendment | Interior Design | Occupational Licensing | Occupational Speech

Misinformation & Interior Design Regulation

This report responds to a purported rebuttal of the Institute for Justice’s research on interior design regulations and details how its author, an advocate of increased regulation, fails to provide any evidence of the need…

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Baltimore’s Flawed Renaissance

Baltimore’s redevelopment strategy has long been deeply flawed and eminent domain has negatively impacted the city’s renewal.

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Simplify, Don’t Subsidize

An independent developer details the outrageous bureaucratic and regulatory hurdles small developers must pass in order to build private projects.


The Dirty Dozen

Ever wonder how our nation changed from a country with a Constitution that limited government power to a land where the Constitution is interpreted to limit the rights of the citizenry? And what can be…

California Scheming

Eminent Domain | Private Property

California Scheming

The report summarizes the legal history and areas of contention behind eminent domain for private development in California.

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Doomsday? No Way

When the U.S. Supreme Court upheld eminent domain for private development in the 2005 Kelo case, the public reacted with shock and outrage, leading to a nationwide movement to reform state laws and curb the…

Designing Cartels

Economic Liberty | First Amendment | Interior Design | Occupational Licensing | Occupational Speech

Designing Cartels

This report examines titling laws, little-known regulations that require people practicing certain professions to gain government permission to use a specific title, such as “interior designer,” to describe their work. Although titling laws receive little…

Fatally Flawed

Educational Choice

Fatally Flawed

In October 2007, the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute released a research report on public school choice and parental involvement, Fixing the Milwaukee Public School: The Limits of Parent-Driven Reform. Unfortunately, as this analysis finds, the…

Campaign Finance Red Tape

First Amendment | Political Speech

Campaign Finance Red Tape

Twenty-four states permit citizens to make laws directly through ballot measures. These states also regulate how citizens—if they band together—may speak out about them. In the name of “disclosure,” these regulations impose complicated registration and…

50 State Report Card

Eminent Domain | Private Property

50 State Report Card

Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s now-infamous decision in Kelo v. New London, 44 states have passed new laws aimed at curbing the abuse of eminent domain for private use.

Victimizing the Vulnerable

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Victimizing the Vulnerable

In Kelo v. City of New London—one of the most reviled U.S. Supreme Court decisions in history—the Court upheld the use of eminent domain by governments to take someone’s private property and give it to…

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Development Without Eminent Domain

The former mayor of Anaheim, Calif., describes how that city’s leadership brought economic vibrancy to one neighborhood without resorting to any takings of private property. He also explores the successes and failures of other cities…

Economic Liberty

Brightening the Beacon

This report presents concrete actions that can be taken by the city of San Diego, the state of California and business leaders-to open opportunities and substantially strengthen the region's economic base.

Private Choice In Public Programs

Educational Choice | Publicly Funded Scholarships

Private Choice In Public Programs

Georgia’s Special Needs Scholarship Program extends to a new group of students the same kind of educational choice already enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of Georgia citizens from prekindergarten through college. Prior to the adoption…

First Amendment | Political Speech

Disclosure Costs

This study examines the impact of one of the most common features of campaign finance regulations: mandatory disclosure of contributions and contributors’ personal information. While scholars have looked at the effects of other kinds of…

Eminent Domain | Private Property

Eminent Domain & African Americans

Eminent domain has become what the Founding Fathers sought to prevent: a tool that takes from the poor and the politically weak to give to the rich and the politically powerful.