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All Issues
Private Property
IJ defends the right of all Americans to own and enjoy their property free from unjust seizures, searches, and fines.
First Amendment
IJ fights for the right to speak freely about the issues that matter most to ordinary people and to defend the free flow of information essential to democratic government and free enterprise.
Educational Choice
IJ stands for the idea that every child deserves a chance at a great education and that all parents, regardless of means, should enjoy the freedom to direct their children’s education.
Economic Liberty
IJ believes that all people have the right to earn an honest living in the occupation of their choice without arbitrary, unnecessary, or protectionist government interference.
Project on Immunity and Accountability
End Forfeiture Initiative
Project on the Fourth Amendment
Food Freedom Initiative
Zoning Justice Project
South Carolina ESAs
Recent Cases
IJ is in court nationwide defending individual liberty. Check out some of our latest cases.
U.S. Supreme Court Cases
We fight for our clients at every level of the legal system, and we’ve been to the U.S. Supreme Court 12 times to date.
Tune in to hear IJ advocates defending our clients’ rights
Amicus Briefs
IJ occasionally participates in cases that we aren’t litigating, but that have important implications for our mission.
Complete Case List
A look at every case we have filed, past and present.
What We Do
IJ files cutting-edge constitutional cases in state and federal courts to defend the rights of our clients and set legal precedent that protects countless others like them.
IJ produces one-of-a-kind, high-quality research to enhance our effectiveness in court, educate the public, and shape public debate around our key issues.
IJ provides principled advocacy and issue-area expertise to support legislation that expands individual liberty and protects vital constitutional rights.
IJ trains and mobilizes the public to be advocates for freedom and justice in their own communities.