Englewood Branded
West Englewood's Clothing Brand

Contestant Details
Englewood Branded was born from the love of its community. Being an Englewood resident since the age of 5 years old, Corrie learned the importance of support and saw firsthand how it could help groom and empower young people. Corie is a product of his environment; an environment that most people see as negative and a quick route to death or jail.
With the positive support that he received from his community, whether it was from elders, neighbors, drug dealers, gang members, coaches, teachers and business owners, he wanted to be able to spread that same love to the youth in Englewood. That’s when Corie decided to create his business Englewood Branded.

Englewood Branded is dedicated to uplifting the community, providing tangible opportunities for youth to start and run their own businesses. The business’ impact has spread around Chicago, and not just the South Side; which makes Corie very happy with the outcome thus far. Unlike other businesses, Corie states Englewood Branded shines bright because their vision is bold and inspired by providing growth potential for young adults and doing it in a way that reflects our Englewood Branded’s values: Love, Respect, Honor and Dedication.