
Food-Truck Freedom

America is experiencing a food-truck revolution. These mobile kitchens are a way for new and innovative chefs who are long on ideas but short on capital to try out new concepts and dishes. Thanks to their low start-up costs, food trucks give new entrepreneurs the opportunity to get into business for themselves at a fraction of what it would cost to open a restaurant. These new businesses offer consumers more dining options, create jobs, and improve the overall quality of life in their communities.

In order to foster the conditions that will let food trucks thrive in their cities, officials should remember the two principles of good food-truck policy: 1) no protectionism; and 2) clear, narrowly tailored, and outcome-based laws. The following recommendations—based on the legislative best practices of Los Angeles and other cities that have experience regulating food trucks—exemplify those principles.

Press Release

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Press Release

Public Interest Law Firm Calls on Town of Parksley to Repeal Unconstitutional Food Truck Ban 

  • Matthew Prensky
  • November 02, 2023

ARLINGTON, Va.—Today, the Institute for Justice (IJ) sent a letter to town officials in Parksley, Virginia, calling on them to repeal a near-total ban on […]

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