Private Property Cases

Other Property Rights Abuses | Private Property
New York City Evictions
Case Video Complaint Latest Release…

Code Enforcement | Fines and Fees | Private Property
Pagedale Municipal Fines
Case Video Complaint Latest Release…

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property
Structuring Petitions
The message from the Institute for Justice, which represents Ken and Randy, to the IRS is simple: If you’ve taken something that doesn’t belong to you, give it back.

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property
Kentucky Forfeiture
Charles Clarke is one of thousands of Americans whose cash has been seized at an airport through civil forfeiture, which allows law enforcement to seize cash and property without ever charging anyone with any crime.

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property
North Carolina Forfeiture
Lyndon McLellan has spent more than a decade running L&M Convenience Mart, a gas station, restaurant, and convenience store in rural Fairmont, North Carolina. Then, one year ago, without any warning, agents from the IRS…

Economic Liberty | Food Freedom | Private Property
Texas Craft Beer
A Texas law is forcing craft brewers to give up millions of dollars of valuable property to politically connected beer distributors.

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property
Long Island Forfeiture
The Hirsch brothers have done nothing wrong, yet the IRS seized their entire bank account.

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property
Iowa Forfeiture
The IRS seized Carole’s money using civil forfeiture, which allows law enforcement agencies to take cash, cars and other property without so much as charging the property owner with a crime.

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property
Philadelphia Forfeiture
Police and prosecutors use civil forfeiture to strip thousands of Americans of their rights and property. Nowhere is the problem more rampant than in Philadelphia.

Economic Liberty | Eminent Domain | Private Property
Atlantic City Eminent Domain – Birnbaum
An Atlantic City, N.J., man is fighting to save his family home from a state agency’s eminent domain abuse.

Food Freedom | Private Property | Zoning Justice Project
Florida Vegetable Gardens
Miami Shores Village, Fla.’s unconstitutional ban on front-yard vegetable gardens prohibits homeowners from growing vegetables in their front yards. But trees, fruit and garden gnomes are just fine.

Civil Forfeiture | Private Property
Michigan Forfeiture
Without warning, the federal government used civil forfeiture to seize all of the money from the Dehkos’ store bank account—more than $35,000—even though they’ve done absolutely nothing wrong.

4th Amendment Project | Economic Liberty | Private Property | Vending
Chicago Food Trucks
Chicago shouldn’t be in the business of protecting restaurants from food trucks.

Private Property | Rental Caps
Minnesota Rental Caps
Government officials in Winona, Minn., are imposing a restriction on the number of homeowners who can rent out their properties, harming both homeowners and renters alike. Not only is this policy unwise, it is also…